Monthly Archives: May 2015

5/30/2015 – WOD

For Time
50 Wall Balls 30/20#
40 Burpees
30 T2B
250m Sled Drag 90/45#
30 T2B
40 Burpees
50 Wall Balls 30/20#

WOD Notes: TD = 17-23 minutes. You may use a lighter ball if 30/20# is too difficult to move through quickly. Scaling for T2B are 50 sit-ups.

Announcement: Snatch Clinic is today from 11:30am-1pm! If you plan on coming in for open gym, please plan on working outside in the parking lot until 1pm to avoid distractions. You may slide a mat outside if you need to. Make sure to hydrate as it will be another hot day!   Ryan (Godfather) pulling the sled!

5/29/2015 – WOD

Front Squat – 6×2 @ 75%+
—5 sec pause at the bottom

Make-Up/Skill Day!

Reminder: Snatch clinic is tomorrow (Saturday) from 11:30am-1pm with Coach Ross. There are still spots available if you haven’t signed up yet.  

5/28/2015 – WOD

a) Push Press – Find a new 1RM then do 4×5 @ 80%
b) Strict C2B Pull-ups – 4×10

10 Min AMRAP
1 Rope Climb 20ft
5 Deadlifts 295/195#
7 Strict HSPU

Extra Work
Tabata Tire Flips (record total reps)

WOD Notes: TD = 4-6 rounds. Scaling for RC = climb to 15ft, 1 lap sled pull with arms only, or 10 ring rows. DL weight = 62-65% of 1RM. HSPU should be done on a level surface (no deficit). HSPU scale = 7 strict db presses.   Rage crew @ CF Kazam doing “Murph”

5/27/2015 – WOD

a) Hang Snatch – 15 Min to work up to a heavy single (95%+)
b) 1 Min AMRAP – Squat Snatches @ 75%
—Aim for 6-8 reps

27-21-15-9 reps of:
KB Swings 70/53#
Row (calories)

3×1 Minute Weighted Plank (heavy)

WOD Notes: TD = 11-16 minutes. We will run heats about 2 minutes apart. Girls should try to row 750 cal/hr+ & guys should be 1000 cal/hr+ depending on body type. Strokes/min should be between 20-30.  

5/26/2015 – WOD

Back Squat (5 sec pause) – 6×2 @ 75%+
—Hold bottom for 5 seconds

6 Rounds (interval style)
3 Power Clean 185/115#
5 Push Jerk 185/115#
7 Back Squat 185/115#
50 Double Unders
—Rest 1 min between rounds

WOD Notes: Each round (95% effort) should be between 60-90 seconds (longer if you don’t have DU). Use same weight for all 3 movements. All 15 reps with the barbell should be unbroken/touch n go. Use around 60% of your push jerk/power clean. Subtract 5 minutes from your time. Scaling for DU are 100 singles.

Reminder:  Weighlifting Clinic starts this weekend at Rage. Sign-up sheets are on my desk if you are interested. Ross will be running 2 cycles of this clinic. You may attend all of them if you want…(1) Snatch, (2) Clean n Jerk, (3) Accessory Exercises/Mobility. Each one is $20.  
Aaron C doing work on his last round

5/23/2015 – WOD

For Time
100 Wall Balls 30/20#
75 Burpees
50 OH DB walking Lunges 70/45#
25 DB Alternating Snatches 70/45#
800m Run

WOD Notes: TD = 20-25 minutes. WB is 10ft for Rx’d. 

5/21/2015 – WOD

a) Bench Press – Work up to a 1RM, then do 4×3 (heavy)
b) Strict C2B Pull-ups – 4×8

6 Rounds (interval style)
5 Ring Muscle-Ups
12 KB Swings 70/53#
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
—Rest 1 minute between rounds

WOD Notes: Each round should be between 1-2 minutes (95% effort each round). Scaling for MU are 2-3 each round or 8 GI Janes. KB Swings should be unbroken every round.


5/20/2015 – WOD

Clean – 15 Min to Work up to a 1RM (full clean)

5 Rounds For Time
3 Squat Clean (76% of 1RM)
15 T2B
Run 400m

WOD Notes: TD = 15-20 minutes. Scaling for T2B is 30 sit-ups each round.