Monthly Archives: March 2016

3/31/2016 – WOD

Snatch – Below the knee + above the knee – 7 sets @ 70-90%
—Start @ 70% & work up to 90%

3 Rounds (Interval Style)
10 Power Snatches 175/115#
40/35 Cal Row
—Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Extra Work
10 Min EMOM – 2 Laps Prowler Push (length of Rage = 1 lap)
—Should be moderately heavy

WOD Notes: TD = 3-5 minutes / round. Each round is 95%+ effort. Today’s WOD is short time domain wise between the conditioning piece & prowler extra work, so get ready to rev your engines. PS weight = 75% (moderately heavy – should be able to finish 10 singles in about 1 minute or less.

3/30/2016 – WOD

2 Hang Sq Clean + 1 Split Jerk – 7 sets @ 70-90%
—Start @ 70% & work up to 90% of 1RM CnJ

5 Rounds For Time
6 Hang Power Cleans 185/115#
8 Front Rack Lunges 185/115#
6 Push Jerks 185/115#
400m Run

WOD Notes: TD = 15-20 minutes. Barbell weight should be around 60% of 1RM Push Jerk. Try to do the complex unbroken in the WOD (mainly the 1st rd) or take a break after the 5th HPC each round.


Nina – 16.3

3/29/2016 – WOD

Bench Press – Work up to a heavy single, then do 4×5 @ 80-85%

12 Min AMRAP
3 Deadlifts 255/165#
3 GI Janes
6 Deadlifts
6 GI Janes
9 Deadlifts
9 GI Janes
12 Deadlifts
12 GI Janes
15 Deadlifts
15 GI Janes

***If you finish 15 GI Janes, start back over. Score = total reps. One Round = 90 reps.

WOD Notes: TD = 90+ reps. DL weight = 55-60%. Please try to use a pull-up bar that is above your reach for the GI Janes.


3/28/2016 – WOD

Back Squat – Work up to a heavy single (95%+), then do 3×5 @ 80-85%

5 Rounds For Time
10 DB Snatches (alternating) 80/50#
20 Wall Balls 30/20#
45 Double Unders

WOD Notes: TD = 11-18 minutes. Rx’d height for WB = 10ft. DU scale = 90 singles.

16.5 – Red Dawn, Blue Steel, Kratos


3/25/2016 – WOD 

Front Squat – 6×3 @ 85-90%

Make-up/Skill Day!

Open WOD 16.5 has been announced and it’s a repeat (14.5). We will run heats every 30 minutes starting at 8:30am. If you’re not sure about going RX, you must be able to do 15+ thrusters unbroken (fresh) in order to finish this workout in a reasonable time. We will have a 25 min cap on this. Reminder – group picture will happen between 10-11am, so please attend everyone!

For Time: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of:
Thrusters 95/65#
Bar Facing Burpees

3/24/2016 – WOD

Power Clean + Hang Power Clean + Full Clean
—5 sets @ 80-90% of Power Clean

For Time
30 Hang Power Clean 225/145#
200 Double Unders
100 Cal Row

WOD Notes: TD = 11-17 minutes. HPC = 75% (should do sets of 5-6 reps). DU scale = 400 singles. You may run 1 mile if all the rowers are taken.

Announcement: The 2016 CrossFit Games Open ends this Saturday March 26th with 16.5. There will be a group photo taken of all three teams in their uniforms (shirts) around 11am. Please try to attend if possible, since this will be a fun packed day!


3/23/2016 – WOD

Overhead Squat (from rack) – 15 min to work up to a heavy single

20 Min AMRAP
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats 135/95#
2 Legless Rope Climb 20ft

WOD Notes: TD = 3-5 rounds. OHS = 45-50% of 1RM. Legless scale = climb with legs or 12 strict pull-ups.

Announcement: The 2016 CrossFit Games Open ends this Saturday March 26th with 16.5. There will be a group photo taken of all three teams in their uniforms (shirts) around 11am. Please try to attend if possible, since this will be a fun packed day!


3/22/2016 – WOD

Bench Press – 6×3 @ 85-90%

10 Min AMRAP
6 Push Jerks 165/105#
10 T2B
12 Box Jump Overs 24/20″

Extra Work
Tabata Air Dyne for Calories

WOD Notes: TD = 5-9 rounds. T2B scale = 5 cal ski erg. PJ weight = 55-60% of 1RM.

Announcement: The 2016 CrossFit Games Open ends this Saturday March 26th with 16.5. There will be a group photo taken of all three teams in their uniforms (shirts) around 11am. Please try to attend if possible, since this will be a fun packed day!


3/21/2016 – WOD

Back Squat – 6×3 @ 85-90%

For Time
21 Thrusters 135/95#
12 Ring Muscle-ups
15 Thrusters
9 Ring Muscle-ups
9 Thrusters
6 Ring Muscle-ups
6 Thrusters
3 Ring Muscle-ups
3 Thrusters
1 Ring Muscle-up

WOD Notes: TD = 9-16 minutes. Sub GI Janes (15/12/9/6/3 by round) or you may scale number of reps for MU. Thrusters should be heavier than the normal open weights 95/65#. Should be able to do each round in 2 sets or less.