6/13/2020 – WOD

“Big Floyd” – For Time
800m Run
25 Deadlifts 135/95#
25 Burpees
800m Run
25 Squat Cleans 135/95#
25 Burpees
800m Run
25 Push Presses 135/95#
25 Burpees
800m Run
25 Clusters 135/95#
25 Burpees
800m Run

—-This memorial workout is dedicated to George Floyd who died in police custody after being brutally arrested by four Minneapolis police officers on May 25, 2020. His killing sparked peaceful protests and riots in over 100 cities in the US. George Floyd was known as a peace activist and a respected community leader.

WOD Notes: Barbell should feel relatively light overall. Deadlifts/Push Presses will feel very light relative to the squat cleans & clusters. Try to do deadlifts unbroken, quick singles on squat cleans/clusters, & do the push presses in 1-2 sets. If you don’t have a barbell, sub DB’s and do 35 reps of each movement.

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