11/25/2020 – WOD

Clean n Jerk – 1 Every 1:15 x 10 Sets @ 75%+
—Work up to a heavy single. We haven’t put them together in awhile, so go heavy.

12 Min AMRAP Ladder
2 Clean n Jerk 115/75#  (RX+ = 135/95#)
3 C2B Pull-ups  (RX+ = 2 MU)
3/2 Cal Assault Bike
4 Clean n Jerk 115/75#
6 C2B Pull-ups  (RX+ = 4 MU)
6/4 Cal Assault Bike
6 Clean n Jerk 115/75#
9 C2B Pull-ups  (RX+ = 6 MU)
9/6 Cal Assault Bike
*Continue this pattern until 12 Min is up.

WOD Notes: Goal is in the rd of 10 CnJ+. C2B sub = chin over bar, banded pu, or ring rows. Do not scale reps. CnJ should feel light to where you can move consistently with quick singles (50% of 1RM or less).

a) Strict Pull-ups – 10×5 (advanced = weighted or you can use a band)
b) Weighted Sit-ups – 4×30 (weight behind head)

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