10/6/2021 – WOD

Snatch – 1 Every 45 Sec x 5 + 1 Every 60 Sec x 5
—Work up to a heavy single. If you need more than 10 sets that’s fine

10 RFT
8/6 Cal Assault Bike
3 Strict Pull-ups + 3 Kipping C2B  (RX+ = 3 Strict C2B + 3 Bar MU)
3 Dball Over Shoulder 150/100#

WOD Notes: Goal is 15-19 minutes. Bike should take less than 45 sec each rd. Pull-up sub = 6 banded strict PU or 6 ring rows (set feet up to where they are difficult for 6 reps). Dball/bag should be heavier than normal so challenge yourself. You may do 1-2 heavy reps & 1 light rep as well.

a) Weighted Sit-ups – 10×10 or GHD Sit-ups (rest 15 sec between sets)
b) Barbell Skull Crushers – 4×8 (3 sec eccentric)

Food of Week Challenge – Week 2
1) Apple – 3 servings 
2) Avocado – 3 servings
3) Almond (butter, milk, or nuts) – 3 servings
4) Bison – 1 serving
***You can still sign-up at the bottom of class sign-up sheet to be eligible to win prizes at the end of 8 weeks!

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