12/10/2024 – WOD

a) Hang Power Clean – Work up to a heavy 3, 2, 1 Rep
b) Dips (ring/bar) – 5×8 (advanced = weighted)
—Superset a/b as needed. 18 Min Clock to get this work done.

3 Min AMRAP x 5 Rounds
10 Power Cleans (increase each rd)
2 Rope Climbs 15ft  (RX+ = 18ft)
Max Double Unders
—Rest 1 minute between rounds. Score = Total Double Unders

WOD Notes: Goal is to have at least 60 Sec each round to accumulate Double Unders. PC: Start @ 60% & increase a little each round until you end up at 75% by the last round. M: 165-205#, F: 110-130#. DU sub = Max Singles or feet on versaclimber. RC sub = 15-18 ring rows, or 4 up/downs.

“Carve Your Santa Pumpkin” – Wk 2: Day #2
Hip Abduction (Lay on your side)
4×10 Use Monkey Feet

a) DB Lateral Raises – 4×12 (pause + slow eccentric)
b) Hollow Rocks – 45 Sec on / 45 Sec off x 8 Sets

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