a) Front Squat – 5×5 @ 75-80%
b) One Arm High Pulls – 4×10 (each arm)
—Superset a/b every 3:30. You may work up to a heavy single for part (a) if you want as well.
Conditioning “20 Min Cap”
10 RFT
3 Dball over Shoulder 150/115#
6 GI Janes
9/7 Cal Bike
WOD Notes: Goal is to get under the 20 Min Cap. Dball/bag should feel heavy, since it’s only 3 reps/rd. Choose a bar above your reach for the GI Janes if you can do a strict PU.
“Carve Your Santa Pumpkin” – Day #1
Donkey Kickbacks (setup is on all four limbs)
Monkey Feet (3×12 – each leg)
***Pause each rep for at least a sec at the top with foot above hip level
a) Weighted Plank – 40 Sec on / 40 Sec off x 8 Rounds
b) Strict Pull-ups – 5×6 (advanced = weighted or 3 Sec Eccentric)