a) Back Rack Lunges – 5×10 (build to at least 2 heavy sets!)
b) DB Bench Press – 5×10 (heavy)
—Superset a/b every 3:30
15 Min AMRAP
20/16 Cal Ski
8 Laps Farmers Carry (2) 70/50# DB’s
4 Turkish Get-ups 70/50# DB
WOD Notes: Goal is 4+ RDS. This WOD is designed to be on the easier side conditioning wise (active recovery). 1 Lap = 4 Mats for the FC. Try to go heavy on the FC & you don’t have to use the same DB for the Turkish Get-up (you may go lighter). Try to do the TG in each step & don’t rush them. Getting up & laying back down = 1 rep.
“Carve Your Santa Pumpkin” – Day #4
Hamstring Work – choose a or b
a) Glute Ham Raises (GHD) – 4×8 or 4×5 Lower from the top (negatives)
b) Hamstring Sliders – 4×12-15
a) L-Sit/Tuck – 8×30 Sec (1:30 rest between)
b) BB Bent-over Rows (supinated) – 4×10 –Pause each rep