1/13/2025 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 5×4 (pause each rep) @ 80% (heavier than last Wk)
b) DB Pull-over (1 DB) – 5×10
—Superset a/b every 4 minutes. Try to pick a weight for all 5 sets. We will increase each wk.

For Time
20 Power Cleans 185/125#
30 T2B
50 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
30 T2B
20 Power Cleans 185/125#

WOD Notes: Goal is 13-17 minutes. PC = 65% (quick singles & feel moderately heavy). T2B sub = T2R, GHD SU, or weighted SU. Try to jump if you can & use a lower box if necessary.

a) Weighted Plank (alternate lifting one leg up) – 30 Sec on / 30 Sec off x 10 Rounds
b) One Arm High Pulls – 4×12 each arm
—Go a little lighter for part (a).

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