Strength – “Full Body Circuit” – 35 Minutes
1 Round Every 7 Minutes x 5 Sets
a) Bench Press – 4 Reps (pause each rep) @ 80%+, 1X ME @ 70%
b) Tib Raises (4 sets) – 12-15 Reps
c) Barbell Bent-over Rows (supinated) – 10 Reps
d) GHD Sit-ups – 15-20 Reps
e) FR Lunges (barbell) – 10 Reps (5+5)
Notes: Try to stay on a 7 minute interval for all 5 movements & go close to failure on everything!! If you leave a few reps in the tank for all sets, you won’t see any gains! Start at a different station for large classes. Use same barbell for rows & Lunges & adjust weights accordingly to make it difficult for both!
5 Min AMRAP of Double Unders
WOD Notes: Goal: Advanced = 300-400, Intermediate = 100-300, Novice = Just practice
a) L-SIt/Tuck (pegboard) – 15 Sec on / 30 Sec off x 15 Sets
b) EZ Bar Bicep Curls – 4×12