1/21/2025 – WOD

2 Position Snatch – Hang + Floor – 1 Every 1:15 x 10 Sets (little heavier than last Wk)
—Start @ 60% & Build to a heavy complex. Take extra time at the end if needed. You may drop the bar in between reps if necessary. Squat if you have the OH mobility.

15 Min AMRAP of Burpees
***Every 90 Sec, starting at 0:00 do:
ODD Rds = 7 Power Cleans 185/125#  (RX+ = 205/135#)
EVEN Rds = 15 T2B

WOD Notes: You don’t have to jump for the burpees, but make sure feet are under you when you stand (not in wide stance). Goal is to get 100+ burpees (should have 45 Sec each round). WOD starts with the 7 PC (65-70%). It’s 5 Rounds each of the PC & T2B.

a) Hollow Rocks – 5 Sets: 60 Sec on / 60 Sec off
b) DB Lateral Raises – 4×10 (3 sec eccentric)

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