a) Deadlift (3″ deficit) – 5×3 @ 80-82% (heavier than last wk), 1xME @ 70% (no deficit – touch n go)
b) GHR (3×15) or Hamstring Sliders (3×15)
c) DB Shoulder Press – 5×8 (3 sec eccentric)
—Superset a/b/c every 4 min (ODD RDs) & every 3:30 on EVEN RDs. Stand on 3-4 mats or a 55# red comp plate. Work with a partner to make clean-up quicker.
12 Min AMRAP Ladder
2/4/6/8/10/12/14/16…Cal Bike
2/4/6/8/10/12/14/16…Push Jerks 135/95# (RX+ = 155/105#)
1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8…Laps Sandbag Bear Hug Carry 125/90#
WOD Notes: Goal is to get to the round of 16/6/8. Everyone does the same amount of cals for this WOD. PJ = 55% (should be light to where you can go unbroken through the round of 10-12). 1 Lap = 5 mats. Line up the bikes in the front or back so that the middle of gym is open for the carry.
a) GHD Sit-ups – 5×25 (rest 60 Sec between)
b) DB Front Raises – 4×12 (pause each rep)