Category Archives: WOD

10/21/2024 – WOD

Snatch – 1 EMOM x 12 (full is preferred if you have the mobility)
—Start @ 65% & work up to a heavy single. Take extra time at the end of EMOM if necessary.

10 RFT – “Open WOD 20.1”
8 Power Snatches 95/65#
10 Bar Facing Burpees

WOD Notes: Goal is 12-17 minutes. Try to jump over the bar if you physically can! You should be able to touch n go majority of the reps, since it should feel light! If you’re loading 95# on the bar, use a 15# & 10# plates.

a) Weighted Plank – 30 Sec on / 30 Sec off x 10 Rounds
b) EZ Bar Bicep Curls  – 5×10 (heavy)

10/19/2024 – WOD

3 RFT w/ Partner
80/60 Cal Bike
40 C2B Pull-ups  (RX+ = 20 Bar MU)
30/24/18 by rd Clean n Jerk (60/65/70%)

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 35 minutes. C2B sub = banded pu or lat pulldowns (pulley). CnJ should be singles the entire WOD. First round should be quick singles, 2nd Round slower singles, and 3rd round take your time to set up before each rep.

10/17/2024 – WOD

a) Back Squat – Work up to a heavy single (2×5 @ 70-75%, 1×3 @ 80%, 1×2 @ 85%, 3×1 @ 90%+)
b) DB Pull-overs (2 DB’s) – 4×12
—20 Min Clock to get all this work done. Superset a/b in the beginning when squats are lighter.

90 Sec AMRAP x 12 w/ Partner (interval)
10 Bulgarian Split Squats (5R + 5L) – Build each set
1 Rope Climb 20ft
Max Cal Ski

WOD Notes: Score = total cals. Goal is to have at least 30 sec/rd to ski. You don’t have to sprint through the BSS (hold 2 KB/DB’s at your side). First set can be light, but build to a heavy set by the end!! RC sub = Climb 12-15ft or 10 Ring Rows. SPRINT the SKI!

a) L-Sit/Tuck – 6×40 Sec (2 min rest between)
b) DB Lateral Raises – 4×12

10/16/2024 – WOD

a) Bench Press – Work up to a heavy single, 2xME @ 70% (8-12)
b) GHR (4×12) or Hamstring Sliders (4×18)
—18 Min Clock to get this work done

10 Deadlifts @ 55%
10 GI Janes
Buy Out: 1200m Run

WOD Notes: Goal is 12-15 minutes. RX for DL (55%) is around 255/165#. The couplet is meant to be relatively fast where you finish between 7-8 minutes. Pick a bar above your reach if you can do a strict pull-up.

a) EZ Bar Skull Crushers – 4×12 (heavy – slow eccentric)
b) GHD Sit-ups – 10×10 (weighted) —rest 30 sec between

10/15/2024 – WOD

2 Snatches Every 1:15 x 10 Sets @ 65-85%
—Build to a heavy double by the end. You should be squatting if OH mobility allows you to get comfortable in the bottom of the squat.

14 Min AMRAP Ladder
10 Double Unders
1 Dball/Sandbag Over Shoulder 150/115#
20 Double Unders
2 Dball/Sandbag Over Shoulder
30 Double Unders
3 Dball/Sandbag Over Shoulder
***10/8 Cal Row to start each round

WOD Notes: Goal is to get to the round of 10/8Row/80 DU/8 Dball. DU sub = 2x singles or 2x versa FT. The WOD starts with the Row & reset monitor every round. Sandbag/ball should be heavy since you’re not doing a lot of reps in a row!

a) DB Bent-over Rows – 5×8 (each arm) -pause & control descent
b) Hollow Rocks – 45 Sec on / 45 Sec off x 10 Sets

10/14/2024 – WOD

a) Hang Clean (Pwr or Sq) + Full + Jerk x 8 Sets @ 75-90%+
b) Dips (ring/bar) – 4×8-12 (advanced = weighted)
—The pattern is a/a/b x 4 sets (every 1:15 – last set is at 17:30 mark). Start @ 75% & build to a heavy set. Use a band if necessary for the dips.

Conditioning “22 Min Cap”
3 RFT w/ Partner
250m Sled Drag 180/135#
50 T2B
40 DB Hang Clusters 50/35#  (RX+ = 60/40#)

WOD Notes: Goal is to get under 22 minute cap. You should be able to run majority of the sled (wear a belt). T2B sub = T2R, GHD SU, weighted SU, or leg raises. Switch every 5 reps on the clusters, which they should feel heavy!

a) Weighted Plank – 45 Sec on / 45 Sec off x 8 Rounds
b) EZ Bar Bicep Curls  – 5×10 (heavy)

10/12/2024 – WOD

6 RFT w/ Partner
50/40 Cal Ski
24 BB Box Step-ups 20″ (increase every 2 rounds)
12 Wall Walks
***Do 2×10 Tire Flips at some point during the WOD.

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 40 minutes. The entire WOD is “you go, I go”. If the tire is too light with a partner, you may flip it back & forth to each other. Do not alternate legs for the box step-ups. You must do all 5 reps with one leg before switching. Avoid pushing off the foot that’s on the ground. WW sub = 4-5/rd or 10 shoulder taps/WW. BB weights = M: 115/135/155#, F: 75/95/105#.

10/10/2024 – WOD

a) Specialty Bar Squat (Safety Bar, Camber, Yukon) – 5×2 (pause) @ 80%+, 1x ME @ 70% (8-12)
b) Strict Pull-ups (supinated) – 5×6 (advanced = weighted)
—Superset a/b every 3:30. Pause both reps. Use a band if necessary for PU or do 5×4 negatives. DO NOT skip ME set!

25/20 Cal Row
12 Push Press 155/105#
100 Yard Sandbag/Dball Carry 125/90#  (RX+ = 150/115#)

WOD Notes: Goal is 13-16 minutes. PP = 65% (difficult for 12 reps unbroken). You may have to break it up once as well. Carry = Bearhug out to far curb & on the shoulder on the way back. 

a) L-Sit/Tuck – 8×25 Sec (60 sec rest between)
b) DB Lateral Raises – 5×10

10/9/2024 – WOD

a) Bench Press (specialty bar) – 5×2 @ 85%+ (pause each rep), 2xME @ 70% (8-12)
b) GHR (4×10) or Hamstring Sliders (4×15)
—Superset a/b every 3 minutes.

20 Min AMRAP w/ Partner (interval style)
4 Deadlifts @ 65-70%
6 Burpees (no jump)
8/6 Cal Bike

WOD Notes: Goal is to try & get 20 rounds (10 each, which is 1 min on / 1 min off pace). DL should feel moderately heavy for 4 reps touch n go. SPRINT the bike, since you have rest in between rounds. Make sure feet are under you in the burpee when you stand! I have upgraded to some of the Rogue Echo Bikes. There will be (8) of them as of tomorrow afternoon & the rest Assault (6) right now, but will sell a few more as time goes on. Enjoy!

a) Tricep Push-downs (pulley) – 5×10 (heavy – slow eccentric)
b) GHD Sit-ups – 5×25 (rest 60 sec between)

10/8/2024 – WOD

Snatch – Hang + Floor – 10 Sets @ 65-85%
—1 Set Every 75 Sec x 5, 1 Set Every 90 Sec x 5. Build to a heavy set by the end.

For Time
15 Hang DB Snatches (2 Arms) 50/35#’s
15 Box Jump Overs 24/20″  (RX+ = 30/24″)
400m Run
20 Hang DB Snatches (2 Arms) 50/35#’s
20 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
600m Run
25 Hang DB Snatches (2 Arms) 50/35#’s
25 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
800m Run

WOD Notes: Goal is 14-18 minutes. You should have to break up the DB’s on rounds 2/3 or else they are too light. Run sub = 1000/1500/2000m Bike by rd.

a) DB Bent-over Rows – 5×10 (each arm) -pause & control descent
b) Hollow Rocks – 30 Sec on / 30 Sec off x 10 Sets