Category Archives: WOD

1/23/2025 – WOD

Strength – “Full Body Circuit” – 35 Minutes
1 Round Every 7 Minutes x 5 Sets
a) Bench Press – 3 Reps (pause each rep) @ 80%+, 2X ME @ 70%
b) 60 Double Unders (sub: max reps in 1 min)
c) DB Bent-over Rows – 10 Reps each arm (pause)
d) L-Sit/Tuck (pegboard) – 30-40 Sec
e) FR Lunges (barbell) – 8 Reps (build to a heavy set!)
Notes: Try to stay on a 7 minute interval for all 5 movements & go close to failure on everything!! If you leave a few reps in the tank for all sets, you won’t see any gains! Start at a different station for large classes.

1000m Ski For Time (WOD #3 – 100k Challenge)
—Goal is sub 4 min for men & sub 5 min for ladies

a) DB Bicep Curls – 4×12
b) DB Skull Crushers – 4×12

1/22/2025 – WOD

a) Deadlift (3″ deficit) – 5×3 @ 80-82% (heavier than last wk), 1xME @ 70% (no deficit – touch n go)
b) GHR (3×15) or Hamstring Sliders (3×15)
c) DB Shoulder Press – 5×8 (3 sec eccentric)
—Superset a/b/c every 4 min (ODD RDs) & every 3:30 on EVEN RDs. Stand on 3-4 mats or a 55# red comp plate. Work with a partner to make clean-up quicker.

12 Min AMRAP Ladder
2/4/6/8/10/12/14/16…Cal Bike
2/4/6/8/10/12/14/16…Push Jerks 135/95#   (RX+ = 155/105#)
1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8…Laps Sandbag Bear Hug Carry 125/90#

WOD Notes: Goal is to get to the round of 16/6/8. Everyone does the same amount of cals for this WOD. PJ = 55% (should be light to where you can go unbroken through the round of 10-12). 1 Lap = 5 mats. Line up the bikes in the front or back so that the middle of gym is open for the carry.

a) GHD Sit-ups – 5×25 (rest 60 Sec between)
b) DB Front Raises – 4×12 (pause each rep)

1/21/2025 – WOD

2 Position Snatch – Hang + Floor – 1 Every 1:15 x 10 Sets (little heavier than last Wk)
—Start @ 60% & Build to a heavy complex. Take extra time at the end if needed. You may drop the bar in between reps if necessary. Squat if you have the OH mobility.

15 Min AMRAP of Burpees
***Every 90 Sec, starting at 0:00 do:
ODD Rds = 7 Power Cleans 185/125#  (RX+ = 205/135#)
EVEN Rds = 15 T2B

WOD Notes: You don’t have to jump for the burpees, but make sure feet are under you when you stand (not in wide stance). Goal is to get 100+ burpees (should have 45 Sec each round). WOD starts with the 7 PC (65-70%). It’s 5 Rounds each of the PC & T2B.

a) Hollow Rocks – 5 Sets: 60 Sec on / 60 Sec off
b) DB Lateral Raises – 4×10 (3 sec eccentric)

1/20/2025 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 5×3 (pause) @ 80% (heavier than last wk), 1×8-12 Reps @ 70%
b) Strict Pull-ups (supinated) – 5×8 (advanced = weighted or use a band)
—Superset a/b every 3:30. Try to pick a weight for all 5 sets. We will increase each wk.

15/12 Cal Ski
12 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
15 Russian KB Swings 88/70#

WOD Notes:

a) Weighted Plank – 60 Sec on / 60 Sec off x 5 Rounds
b) One Arm High Pulls – 4×10 each arm
—Go a little lighter for part (a).

1/18/2025 – WOD

2 RFT w/ Partner
200/160 Cal Row
12 Rope Climbs 18ft
40 Clusters (increase 2nd round)

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 40 min. RC sub = climb 10-15ft or 2 up/downs per RC. Cluster = M: 145/175#, F: 100/115#. Switch as needed on everything. Clusters should be about 50/60% of CnJ weight.

1/16/2025 – WOD

Strength – “Full Body Circuit” – 35 Minutes
1 Round Every 7 Minutes x 5 Sets
a) Bench Press – 4 Reps (pause each rep) @ 80%+, 1X ME @ 70%
b) Tib Raises (4 sets) – 12-15 Reps
c) Barbell Bent-over Rows (supinated) – 10 Reps 
d) GHD Sit-ups – 15-20 Reps
e) FR Lunges (barbell) – 10 Reps (5+5)
Notes: Try to stay on a 7 minute interval for all 5 movements & go close to failure on everything!! If you leave a few reps in the tank for all sets, you won’t see any gains! Start at a different station for large classes. Use same barbell for rows & Lunges & adjust weights accordingly to make it difficult for both!

5 Min AMRAP of Double Unders

WOD Notes: Goal: Advanced = 300-400, Intermediate = 100-300, Novice = Just practice

a) L-SIt/Tuck (pegboard) – 15 Sec on / 30 Sec off x 15 Sets
b) EZ Bar Bicep Curls – 4×12

1/15/2025 – WOD

a) Deadlift (3″ deficit) – 5×4 @ 80-82% (heavier than Wk 1)
b) GHR (3×15) or Hamstring Sliders (3×15)
c) DB Shoulder Press – 5×7 (5 sec eccentric)
—Superset a/b/c every 4 min (ODD RDs) & every 3:30 on EVEN RDs. Stand on 3-4 mats or a 55# red comp plate. Work with a partner to make clean-up quicker.

1:30 Min AMRAP x 12 w/ Partner (interval)
8 Sandbag Squats + 6 Lap Sandbag Carry (150/115#)
Max Cal Ski

WOD Notes: Goal is to have 30-40 Sec to ski each round. Squats are done w/ the bag/ball on your back. For the carry, ODD RD’s = leave on your back & EVEN RD’s = Bear Hug. The hard part will be positioning the bag/ball on your back for your squats. Ski Ergs should be lined up where the bikes are on that side of gym w/ the bag/ball in front of them to make transitions quick. 1 lap = 5 Mats. Each partner does 6 rounds, score = total cals.

a) Weighted Sit-ups – 5×20 (hold DB behind head)
b) DB Front Raises – 4×10 (pause each rep)

1/14/2025 – WOD

3 Position Snatch – Floor + Low Hang + Hang – 1 Every 90 Sec x 8 Sets (same or little heavier than last Wk)
—Start @ 60% & Build to a heavy complex. Take extra time at the end if needed. You may drop the bar in between reps if necessary. Squat if you have the OH mobility.

4 Wall Walks
12 DB Snatches (2 arm) 50/35#’s
15/12 Cal Bike

WOD Notes: Goal is 11-15 minutes. WW sub = 2-3 WW or 30-40 Shoulder Taps. You can touch one head to the ground on the 2 arm snatches. Reset monitors after each round.

a) Hollow Rocks – 8 Sets: 40 Sec on / 40 Sec off
b) DB Lateral Raises – 4×12

1/13/2025 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 5×4 (pause each rep) @ 80% (heavier than last Wk)
b) DB Pull-over (1 DB) – 5×10
—Superset a/b every 4 minutes. Try to pick a weight for all 5 sets. We will increase each wk.

For Time
20 Power Cleans 185/125#
30 T2B
50 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
30 T2B
20 Power Cleans 185/125#

WOD Notes: Goal is 13-17 minutes. PC = 65% (quick singles & feel moderately heavy). T2B sub = T2R, GHD SU, or weighted SU. Try to jump if you can & use a lower box if necessary.

a) Weighted Plank (alternate lifting one leg up) – 30 Sec on / 30 Sec off x 10 Rounds
b) One Arm High Pulls – 4×12 each arm
—Go a little lighter for part (a).

1/11/2025 – WOD

3 RFT w/ Partner
80/65 Cal Row
60 Wall Balls 30/20# to 10/9.5ft
40 C2B Pull-ups
20 Dball Over Shoulder 150/115#

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 35 minutes. WB should be heavier than normal. C2B sub = chin over bar or banded pu. DBall should be heavier than normal too.