Category Archives: WOD

7/27/2024 – WOD

5 RFT w/ Partner
60/50 Cal Row
4 (6 GI Janes + 30 Double Unders)
20 Deadlifts (increase by rd)

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 35 minutes. Partner A will work on GI Janes while partner B does the 30 DU. DU sub = 10-15 DU or 50 Singles. DL = 60/60/65/65/70/70% by rd. Switch every 5 reps on the DL.

7/25/2024 – WOD

Snatch – 4×3 Position, 4×2 Position, 4×1 (Floor)
—1 Set Every 90 sec. Build to a heavy 3 & 2 Position & Floor. Start @ 65% for the 3 Position.

Every 5 Min x 4 Sets w/ Partner
250m Sled Drag 180/135#
5 Wall Walks  (RX+ = 7)
8 Dball Over Shoulder 150/115#

WOD Notes: Goal is to have 45-60 sec each round & make this an active recovery WOD. DO NOT RX the sled if you cannot run the majority of it (should take 2-2:15). Partner A will work on the WW, while Partner B does the Dball over shoulder. The bag/ball should be HEAVY, so take your time through the reps!

a) L-Sit/Tuck – 40 Sec on / 2 Min off x 6 Sets
b) Strict Pull-ups (supinated) – 4-8 EMOM x 10 Sets (advanced = weighted or banded for novice)

7/24/2024 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 5×3 @ 80%+ (pause 3rd rep for 2 sec), 1xME @ 70% (8+ reps)
b) DB Bench Press – 5×6 (3 Sec Eccentric each rep)
—Superset a/b every 3:30. Try to do at least 2 heavy sets on your back squats.

1 Rope Climb 18ft
10 Hang Squat Cleans (M: 155/185#, F: 105/125#)
1 Rope Climb 18ft
20/16 Cal Assault Bike

WOD Notes: Goal is 14-18 minutes. RC sub = Climb 12-15ft, 2 up/downs, or 7-8 RR. RX RC = Climb & touch a few feet above the taped line. Rounds 1/2 are with the light weight (55%) & Rounds 3/4 are with the heavier weight (65%). You should have to break up the BB, once each round.

a) EZ Bar Bicep Curls – 4×10
b) GHD Sit-ups – 6×18 – weighted (rest 45 sec between)

7/23/2024 – WOD

a) Strict Press – 5×3 @ 85%+, 1x ME @ 70% (8+ reps)
b) Good Mornings – 5×6 (2 Sec Pause each rep)
—Superset a/b every 3 minutes. Try to use a little heavier than last wk for both parts. You may use the same bar if necessary.

18 Min AMRAP w/ Partner
24/20 Cal Ski
24 T2B
16 Push Jerks (increase every 2 rds)

WOD Notes: Goal is 5+ rds. PJ = start @ 60% & increase by 5% (you should be able to get to a 3rd weight – 5th rd). T2B sub = T2R, GHD SU, weighted SU, or hanging knee raises. SPRINT the ski each RD! You should be doing one set each on the Ski & PJ (if you have to break up T2B more that’s fine).

a) Hollow Rocks – Tabata : 12 Rounds
b) DB Lateral Raises + Front Raises – 4×10 (each)

7/22/2024 – WOD

a) Front Rack Lunges – 5×8 (3″ deficit)
b) DB Bent-over Rows – 5×8 (each arm – pause each rep)
—Superset a/b every 3:30. Similar weight to last wk for part (a).

10 RFT
6 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 115/75#   (RX+ = 135/95#)
8 Bar Facing Burpees
***100 Yard BearHug Carry 125/90# after Rounds 1/5/10.

WOD Notes: Goal is 15-19 minutes. SDHP should be fairly heavy to where 6 reps feels challenging each rd to go unbroken or you can break them up. Jump over the bar for burpees if you’re capable! The carry is across the street to the far curb & should feel heavy! If you have to carry it on your back that’s ok, but try to bearhug carry it!

a) Weighted Plank – 30 Sec on / 30 Sec off x 10 Sets
b) DB Pull-over (2 DB’s) – 4×10 (control eccentric)

7/20/2024 – WOD

35 Min AMRAP w/ Partner
80/60 Cal Assault Bike
30 Power Clean (increasing)
6 (1 Rope Climb 18ft + 8 DB Skull Crushers)

WOD Notes: Goal is 3+ rds. PC: M = 155/185/215#, F = 105/125/145# (55/65/75%). Partner A will RC while partner B does the 8 DB SC. You will do both of them 3x/rd. You will get a nice arm pump from the RC (Biceps) & SC (triceps). Move through the skull crushers slow/controlled & make it challenging for 8. 

7/18/2024 – WOD

Snatch – Above Knee + Floor
—1 Every 90 sec x 10 Sets. Start @ 60% & build to a heavy set

Every 3 Min x 6 Sets
400m Run
12 T2B  (RX+ = 15)
***Max DB Snatches (alternating) 70/50# in remaining time each rd

WOD Notes: Goal is to get 10-15 each round. Shorten the run to 250-300m if you can’t finish it in under 2 minutes. T2B sub = T2R, GHD SU, or Weighted SU. Run sub = 250ft Versa climber. 

a) L-Sit/Tuck – 20 Sec on / 40 Sec off x 8 Sets
b) Strict Pull-ups – 4-8 EMOM x 10 Sets (advanced = weighted or banded for novice)

7/17/2024 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 5×5 @ 75-80% (pause 5th rep for 2 sec)
b) DB Bench Press – 5×8 (heavier than last wk)
—Superset a/b every 3:30. Try to do at least 2 heavy sets on your back squats.

For Time
150 Double Unders
30 Sandbag/Dball Squats 125/90#   (RX+ = 150/115#)
75/60 Cal Ski
30 Sandbag/Dball Squats 125/90#   (RX+ = 150/115#)
150 Double Unders

WOD Notes: Goal is 12-17 minutes. DU sub = 75-100 DU, 2 min of DU practice or 250 singles. Squats should be done in 1-2 sets once you have the bag/ball on your back. Try to position it so that it’s centered in the middle of your upper back.

a) EZ Bar Bicep Curls – 4×12
b) GHD Sit-ups – 6×15 – weighted (rest 45 sec between)

7/16/2024 – WOD

a) Strict Press – 5×5 @ 80%+ (5th rep should feel like you’re failing)
b) Good Mornings – 5×8 (pause each rep)
—Superset a/b every 3 minutes. Try to use a little heavier than last wk for both parts. You may use the same bar if necessary.

10 DB Hang Curls 50/35#  (RX+ = 60/40#)
10 DB Push Press 50/35#   (RX+ = 60/40#)
100 Yard Farmers Carry 50/35#   (RX+ = 60/40#)
20/16 Cal Row

WOD Notes: Goal is 16-20 minutes. Pick DB that you can go unbroken the first round or 2, but then will have to take a quick break before the FC each rd. The FC is to the far curb and back inside. I’d recommend setting up outside or staying near the garage doors so the FC is shorter distance wise. 

a) Hollow Rocks – 40 Sec on / 40 Sec off x 8 Sets
b) Tricep Pushdowns (pulley) – 4×15

7/15/2024 – WOD

a) Front Rack Lunges – 5×8
b) DB Bent-over Rows – 5×10 (each arm)
—Superset a/b every 3:30. Heavier than last wk for part (a).

3 RFT w/ Partner
250m Sled Drag 180/135#
30 Deadlifts @ 65%
30 GI Janes

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 19 minutes. The sled drag is 125m Forwards + 125m Backwards. DL should be done in sets of 5. You will work at the same time for the GI Janes. Try to use a bar above your reach if you can do a strict pu. You may jump & pull right into the pull-up instead of doing a kip/swing.

a) Weighted Plank – 40 Sec on / 40 Sec off x 8 Sets
b) DB Pull-over (2 DB’s) – 4×12 (control eccentric)