CrossFit Rage is an officially licensed 3,000 square foot CrossFit facility located in Skippack, PA. Our mission is to change people’s lives by using CrossFit methodologies...

CrossFit Rage is an officially licensed 3,000 square foot CrossFit facility located in Skippack, PA. Our mission is to change people’s lives by using CrossFit methodologies...
Certified, competitive and accomplished, all of our trainers work closely with each individual to help them achieve their fitness goals...
Find out when the Workout Of the Day is planned, when Open Gym is scheduled and what the rates are to join...
Please contact us at 484-366-1182 or email us at to schedule your fundamentals class. Please bring workout attire!
Fundamentals ($60)
The “Fundamentals” class consists of (1) 60-90 minute session that is either one-on-one or in a small group. Whether you are unfamiliar with CrossFit or an elite athlete, they are mandatory before entering our regular programmed classes. This class is specifically designed to build competence in the 9 basic movements of CrossFit. Specifically, you will learn the proper mechanics of the squat, deadlift, and press. We will also introduce basic gymnastic movements and Olympic lifting. We patiently move at your pace to make you feel comfortable and confident.
Refer to the Schedule & Rate page for membership options.