2/21/2023 – WOD

Strength “20 Min Clock”
a) Jerk (use rack) – 2×5 @ 70% , 2×3 @ 80% , 3×1 @ 85%+ (work up to a heavy single)
b) Glute Ham Raises or GHD Hip Extensions – 4×12
—-Superset a/b as needed, but try to get part (b) done early so you can try to hit a heavy jerk

15 Min AMRAP Max Cal Assault Bike
Every 1:30, starting at 0:00, do:
**ODD Rds = 6 Laps Bear Hug Carry 150/115#
**EVEN Rds = 8 Push Jerks @ 65%

WOD Notes: Goal is to have at least 45 secs to bike each round. You should have more time to bike after the PJ rounds. PJ should feel heavy to where you shouldn’t be able to pick up the bar right away after you get off the bike. 1 Lap = 6 mats for the bear hug carry & should feel challenging.

a) Hollow Rocks (banded) – Accumulate 4 minutes in the shortest amount of time
b) DB Bicep Curls + DB Skull Crushers – 3×10 (overload eccentric), 1×10 (both concentric/eccentric)

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