5/15/2024 – WOD

a) Power Clean – 4×2 @ 80%+, 4×1 @ 90%+
b) DB Bench Press – 4×10 (heavy)
—a/a/b x 4 Sets. Every 1:15 do either the cleans or 8 DB BP following that pattern. Work up to a heavy single.

18 Min AMRAP w/ Partner
10 Dball/Bag over Shoulder 150/115#
30 Push-ups
24/20 Cal Assault Bike

WOD Notes: Goal is 6+ Rounds. Dball/bag should be heavy. Use a band or elevate hands on a bench if the Push-ups are too difficult to maintain a stiff midline. You will work at the same time on the Push-ups. Try to sprint the bike each round!

a) 20 GHD Sit-ups + 20 Sec GHD Hold x 5 Sets
b) DB Reverse Flies – 4×15

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