a) Bulgarian Split Squats – 5×5 each leg (build to a heavy set of 5)
b) Strict Pull-ups (close grip) – 5×8 (Advanced = weighted)
—Superset a/b every 4 minutes. You may use a band if necessary
For Time – “2024 Masters CrossFit Games Event 5”
75 Wall Balls 20/14#
40 DB Push Press 50/35#
30 DB Step Overs 24/20″ – DB 50/35#
40 DB One Arm Snatch 50/35#
75 Wall Balls 20/14#
WOD Notes: The official time cap was 15 minutes for the athletes at the games, but it will be 20 minutes today. You should be able to do sets of 8-10 reps for the PP. You don’t have to stand up all the way for the step-overs. You will use (2) DB’s for the step-overs.
a) Weighted Plank – 30 Sec on / 30 Sec off x 10 Rounds
b) Face Pulls (pulley) – 4×10 (pause each rep for 2 sec)