

Banded Box Squats 12×2 (Rest 90 sec between sets)
Notes: These should be done with some speed and explosiveness so we will use lighter loads.
Conditioning WOD:
7 Rounds (Each Round is all out!)
10KB Swings 70/53lb
20 Double Unders (40 singles)
180′ Parking Lot Shuttle Run
—Rest 1 min between rounds
***Score is total time minus 6 minutes of rest





Check out the 2012 Test Your Metal CrossFit competition at the Lehigh Valley Sportsfest on July 21, 2012. I would like to get a group of people to enter into this competition. I will be either competing as individual or on a team. Anyone can compete since there will be both Rx’d and Scaled Divisions. Let me know if you have any questions. Click on this link for details:



  • Announcement: CFRage will host an Olympic Lifting Seminar (Clean n Jerk & Snatch) on a Saturday in July. Let me know when you WOD this week if you would be interested. Maximum class size will be 12 athletes with 2-3 coaches on site. More details to come.


“Hope” Mod Version
3 Rounds for total reps: 1 min of each movement
Power Snatch 75/45lb
Box Jumps 24/20″
Wall Balls 20/14lb
Ring Rows
Rest 1 min.

—Auxiliary: 2x400m ALL OUT (200m backwards, 200m forward)



215lb Hang Snatch (PR)!!


500m Row
10 SDLHP 95/65lb
10 Sit Down / Stand Up
400m Run
20 SDLHP 95/65lb
20 Sit Down / Stand Up
500m Row
30 SDLHP 95/65lb
30 Sit Down / Stand Up
400m Run

—Auxiliary: 5×10 Bent-over Rows


Jen – Nice setup on the SDLHP

Stacey T. – Looking strong on the Sit Down/Stand Ups


“Death by Thrusters” 135/95lb
WOD Notes: 1st minute = 1 Thruster. 2nd minute = 2 Thrusters. 3rd minute = 3 Thrusters, etc…Continue until you can no longer complete reps in that minute. Score = total reps. Rest 2 minutes after failure and reset at 3 reps in the next minute. Time cap is 15 minutes
***Rest 5 min
“Brute Work”
3 Rounds (Each Round is all out)
60′ Partner Sled Push w/ Yoke 300/200lb
10 Partner Tire Flips/jump through 400lb
100′ Farmers Carry 200/100lb

***Rest 3 min between rounds



KB Swings 70/53lb
GI Janes
***Top of every min do 3 Toe to Bar

—Rest 3 minutes
Row 1,000m ALL OUT!!!
WOD Notes: Use a heavier KB than you’re used to since it’s not a lot of reps. Scaling options for GI Janes are regular burpees with a jumping pull-up. Toe to bar = Leg Raises on the ground. WARNING: Today is going to be very hot so make sure you are well hydrated before coming in!!!


Stacey getting after it on the jumping pull-ups!


Running “DT”(In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.)
5 Rounds for time of:
12 Deadlifts 155/105lb
9 Hang Power Clean 155/105lb
6 Push Jerk 155/105lb
***Run 400m after Rounds 3 and 5

—WOD Notes: This is our first Hero WOD. You will use the same weight for all 3 movements. Hang power Cleans will be the toughest part of this WOD, so we will hammer down the technique during warm-up.
Midline: 2×25 GHD Sit-ups
2×20 Back Extensions




15 min to establish 1RM Snatch
10 Min AMRAP:
6 Back Squat (60% of 1 RM)
12 Ring Push-ups
30 Double Unders

–Rest 1 minute
20 Power Snatches (50% of 1RM)

—WOD Notes: We will go over progressions of the snatch today and most of you will be working on technique, since this is an unfamiliar movement. You may Squat Snatch or Power Snatch to find your 1RM.




Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there!!! I’m looking forward to another great week of training with everyone at Rage and let’s keep up the good work!


“Partner WOD 2.0”
Run 400m w/ Med Ball 20/14lb
50 Partner Med Ball Slams 20/14lb
100 KB Snatches 53lb/35lb (Partner holds Handstand)
Run 800m (no Med Ball)
100 KB SDLHP 70/53lb (Partner hangs from Pull-up Bar)
150 GrassHoppers (Partner holds 6 inches)
200 Air Squats (Partner must do 5 burpees before you switch)
Run 400m w/ Med Ball 20/14lb

WOD Notes: You will be in teams of 2. One partner does the “work” while the other holds a certain position in parentheses. The athlete doing the movements must stop when partner can’t hold their position anymore. There will be scaling options on the static holds if needed. Partition reps as needed. This should be a fun one!!!


Bill – 46″ Box Jump