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3/3/2017 – WOD

Front Squat – 1 rep every min for 10 min
—start @ 70% & work up to a heavy single

Make-up/Skill Day!

Open WOD 17.2 has been announced! This workout comes down to grip strength and how efficient you are at T2B/Bar MU. Whether you are a beginner or elite, think about breaking up T2B and Bar MU into small sets. This will help with your grip endurance throughout the wod. RX = being able to complete one full round of 50ft lunge/16 T2b/8 DB cleans. The tiebreaker will be after each round of DB cleans. Please refer to for specific details in each division. First heat goes off at 9am. We will run heats every 15 min. Last heat will go off at 11am. We will add heats if necessary. Please be flexible if you have to go in another heat. Come in tomorrow night to  cheer on your coaches! Good luck everyone!

3/2/2017 – WOD

1 Snatch every min for 10 sets (your choice between full or power)
—start @ 70% of full snatch & work up to a heavy single

3 Rounds For Time
30 Burpees
12 Dball over Shoulder 150/100#
8 Laps Dball Carry on Shoulder

WOD Notes: TD = 12-18 min (20 min cap). 1 lap = 6 mats (36 ft) for the Dball carry.

Announcement: Open WOD 17.2 gets announced tonight at 8pm! Stop by Rage to watch the live announcement!

Tighe – 196# Snatch PR!

3/1/2017 – WOD

1 Clean every min for 10 sets (your choice between full or power)
—start @ 70% of Sq clean & work up to a heavy single

15 Min AMRAP
30 Wall Balls 30/20# to 10/9ft
30/25 Cal Row
20 C2B Pull-ups

WOD Notes: TD = 2-3 rounds. Choose a WB that you can do in 2-3 sets. You may kip the HSPU (RX is to a level surface). Make sure to utilize both walls as the rowers will be out of the way. Classes larger than 10 people will have to stagger 2 minutes a part. HSPU scale = HR Push-ups or 15 burpees.

Week 1 Standings (17.1)
The average placing for each team was.
1st place – Black Mambas (33.9)
2nd place – Red Riot (37.2)
3rd place – Orange Firebreathers (43.2)
***Great job everyone! On to 17.2!

2/28/2017 – WOD

Push Jerk (from rack) – 1 rep every min for 10 total sets
—Start @ 70%. Increase weight every set & work up to a max jerk

10 Rounds For Time
3 Ring Muscle-Ups
6 Push Jerk 155/105#
35 Double Unders

WOD Notes: TD = 9-15 min (20 min cap). MU scale = 1-2 reps each round or 5 GI Janes. PJ = 55% of 1RM. DU scale = 15-20 DU or 60 singles. Each round should take no more than 90 sec especially the first few rounds. Quick transitions to each movement are important in this WOD!

Amie – Red Riot Burpees!

2/27/2017 – WOD

Back Squat – 1 rep every min for 10 sets
Start at 70% & work up to a heavy single by the end. 

5 Rounds For Time
15 T2B
10 Hang Power Clean 165/105#
10 Front Rack Lunges 165/105#
10 Back Squat 165/105#

WOD Notes: TD = 10-16 min (20 min cap). T2B Scale = 20 knee above hips. You must use the same weight for all 3 movements. Base the barbell weight off 40% of your back squat. I would like you to do the lunges & squats unbroken, but if you have to break up the HPC that is fine.

Diana throwing around the 35# DB no problem!

2/25/2017 – WOD 

“Open WOD 17.1”
For Time 
10 DB Snatches 50/35/20#
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
20 DB Snatches 50/35/20#
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
30 DB Snatches 50/35/20#
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/24″
40 DB Snatches 50/35/20#
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
50 DB Snatches 50/35/20#
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″

***Rage will open at 8am for warm-up. First heat goes off at 9am! Good luck everyone and let’s have some fun!

2/24/2017 – WOD

Front Squat – 2 reps every 1:15 for 8 total sets
—Start @ 75%. Increase weight every set. Finish with a heavy double.

Make-up/Skill Day!

Announcement: Open WOD 17.1 has been announced and will be programmed for tomorrow! Rage coaches will be tackling it tonight! Please stop by and cheer us on if you aren’t busy. You are responsible for finding your own judge if you don’t plan on doing it Saturday! Judge must be on a different team! Check out for full workout description. Please bring in 50# DB if you have a pair, since that seems to be the weight we need still!
***Rage will open at 8am for warm-up. 9am first heat goes off. Heats will run every 25 minutes. Please let me know what heat you’d like to be in if you haven’t already. Last heat will be at 11:30pm. Thanks everyone! Let’s Rage all over 17.1!

Open WOD 17.1 – Dianne

2/23/2017 – WOD

1 Power Snatch + 1 Sq Snatch every 1:15 for 8 sets
—Start @ 75% of 1RM PS & work up to a heavy set

3 Rounds For Time
75 Double Unders
Run 400m

WOD Notes: TD = 9-15 min. HSPU scale = 20 DB Push Presses (light – should be able to do all 20 in a row). DU scale = 125 singles or 30 DU. If you are competing in the Open, think about using this WOD as an active recovery.

REMINDER: Open WOD 17.1 is being announced tonight at 8pm. We will have a TV setup to watch the live announcement! 17.1 will be programmed for Saturdays WOD, which will kickoff at 9am! We will run heats every 20-30 minutes depending on how long the WOD is. Get excited Ragers, The 2017 CrossFit Games OPEN is here!!!!

2016 – Throwback to Open WOD 16.5

2/22/2017 – WOD

1 Power Clean + 1 Sq Clean every 1:15 for 8 sets (touch n go)
—start @ 70% of Sq clean & work up to a heavy set

15 Min AMRAP
60 Wall Balls 20/14# to 10ft
40 T2B
20 Power Cleans 185/125#

Back Extensions GHD (weighted) – 3×12

WOD Notes: TD = 1.5-2.5 rounds. Record score as total reps. 1 Round = 120 reps. You may scale the WOD by breaking it up into 30/20/10 or 15/10/5. You should choose one of these 2 options if you have trouble linking 8-10 T2B fresh. PC = 65% (should be all singles).