a) Deadlift (3″ Deficit) – 5×3 @ 77%+ (heavier than wk 1 deficit)
b) Dips (bar/ring) – 5×8 (advanced = weighted)
—Superset a/b every 3:30. No touch n go. Partner up for DL to save time on cleaning up.
For Time – 100/80 Cal Assault Bike
***Every 1:15, starting at 0:00 do:
—ODD RD = 1 Rope Climb 20ft
—EVEN RD = 8 Deadlifts 315/205# (65%)
WOD Notes: Goal is 8-13 minutes. You will stop doing the RC/DL after 5 rounds of each & just finish out the bike if it takes you that long. The WOD will start with 1 RC. Scale the height of RC to 12-15ft, do 2 up/downs, or 8-10 Ring Rows. The 8 DL should feel moderately heavy, but try to maintain good form & neutral spine. You should have at least 45 sec to bike each round.
a) Skull Crushers – 4×10 (slow eccentric)
b) GHD Sit-ups – 6×15 (weighted)