9/11/2023 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 5×6 @ 75-80%
b) Straight Arm Lat Pulldown (pulley) – 5×10
—Superset a/b every 3:30

For Time
400m Sled Drag 80/50#
20 Devil Press 45/30#
50 T2B
20 Devil Press 45/30#
400m Sled Drag 80/50#

WOD Notes: Goal is 12-17 minutes. Use a weight on the sled to where you can alternate between running/walking. It shouldn’t take more than 3:30 the first time. T2B sub = T2R, V-ups, Hanging knee raises. You may do a combo of those exercises, but do not scale reps. If class is large share a sled & double the weight.

a) Weighted Plank – 10 Sets: 30 sec on / 30 sec off (5 super heavy / 5 heavy)
b) DB Bicep Curls – 4×10 + 2 Lap Gun Walk

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