9/7/2023 – WOD

Snatch: 2 Reps EMOM x 5, 2 Reps Every 90 Sec x 5 (10×2 total)
—Stay between 65-80%. Work up to a heavy double if you feel good. Squat is preferred if you have mobility.

20 Hang DB Snatches 70/50#
20 T2B
400m Run

WOD Notes: Goal is 11-14 minutes. DB Snatches should be done in 1-2 sets each rd. You can alternate anyway you’d like. T2B sub = T2R or hanging knee raises. You should be able to push the pace on the runs since the snatches/t2b shouldn’t get you too winded.

a) 45 Sec Russian Twists + 30 Sec V-ups – 4 Sets (rest 1 min between)
b) One Arm Rows (pulley) – 4×12 each arm

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