Author Archives: jordy

9/21/2024 – WOD

3 RFT w/ Partner
80/60 Cal Assault Bike
40 C2B Pull-ups + 100 Yard Dball/Bag Bear Hug Carry 150/115#
50 DB Thrusters 50/35#
***10 Tire Flips w/ Partner at the end when you’re finished

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 30 minutes. You may break up the work as needed. Partner A will do 20 C2B Pull-ups while Partner B bear hug carries. No carrying on the shoulder is allowed!!! 

9/19/2024 – WOD

a) Specialty Bar Squat (Safety Bar, Camber, Yukon) – 5×5 @ 75-80%
b) DB Bent-over Rows – 5×10 (each arm) – Heavy 
—Superset a/b every 3:30. Control tempo on the rows!

7 Power Clean 185/125# (65%)
14 Bar Facing Burpees
***100 Yard Farmers Carry 70/50#’s after rounds 1/3/5.

WOD Notes: Goal is 13-18 minutes. PC should be quick singles & feel like a moderate weight. Try to jump over the bar if you can, if not you can step.

a) L-Sit/Tuck – 8×30 Sec
b) EZ Bar Skull Crushers – 4×12

9/18/2024 – WOD

a) Bench Press (specialty bar) – 5×5 @ 75-80%
b) One Leg RDL – 5×6 (each leg)
—Superset a/b every 3 minutes. Use KB or DB for the RDL’s. You may rest your back foot on 2 plates for balance if necessary. 

3 Min AMRAP x 5 Rounds
25/20 Cal Row
10 Push Jerks 165/110#  (RX+ = 185/125#)
***Max Double Unders in Remaining Time. Score = Total DU

WOD Notes: Goal is to have 45-60 sec (250+ DU total) to get as many double unders each round. You may do singles, but you will never learn how to do DU if you don’t try, so it’s your choice. DU sub = max versa climber feet. There is no rest in between the 3 min amraps. PJ = 65%

a) DB Reverse Flies – 4×18
b) GHD Sit-ups – 10×12 (rest 30 sec between)

9/17/2024 – WOD

Snatch – Hang + Low Hang + Floor – 8 Sets @ 65-80%
—1 Set Every 90 Sec x 4, 1 Set Every 2 Min x 4.

18 Min AMRAP w/ Partner
30/24 Cal Ski
20 T2B
20 DB Snatches 80/50#

WOD Notes: Goal is 5-6 rounds. You can break up the work as needed, but I’d recommend just splitting everything in half & just doing 1 set of each movement/rd. DB should be a little heavier than normal. You don’t have to alternate arms on the snatches. 

a) EZ Bar Bicep Curls – 5×10
b) Hollow Rocks – 1 Min on / 1 Min off x 5 Sets

9/16/2024 – WOD

a) Front Rack Box Step-ups – 5×12 (6R + 6L) – build to a heavy set of 12
b) DB Pull-over – 5×10 (use 2 DB’s)
—Superset a/b every 3:30. Use a 20″ Box or hip should be just at parallel. Do all 6 reps with right leg first while keeping it on the box, then switch legs. Try to minimize pushing off the back foot when stepping up.

250m Run
15 Wall Balls 30/20# to 10/9.5ft
10 Box Jump Overs 30/24″

WOD Notes: Goal is 15-18 minutes. WB should be heavy & challenging to do 15 unbroken each rd. No step-overs allowed in the WOD, so choose a lower box if necessary so that you can still jump. 250m Run sub = 700m bike.

a) Weighted Plank – 60 Sec on / 60 Sec off x 5 Rounds
b) One Arm High Pulls – 4×10 each arm

9/14/2024 – WOD

For Time w/ Partner
150/120 Cal Row
8 (10 Burpees + 1 Rope Climb 20ft)
60 Clean n Jerks (increase every 20 reps)
8 (10 Burpees + 1 Rope Climb 20ft)
150/120 Cal Row

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 40 minutes. Partner A will burpee, while partner B RC. RC sub = climb 12-15ft. The burpees will take longer than the RC. CnJ weight: M = 155/185/205#, F = 105/125/145# (55/65/70%). 

9/12/2024 – WOD

a) Deadlift (Hex or Bar) – 5×6 @ 70-80%
b) DB Lateral Raises – 5×10 (control eccentric)
—Superset a/b every 3:30. You may gently touch n go on the DL’s.

400m Run
12 Sumo DL High Pulls 135/95#
15 Push Press 135/95#

WOD Notes: Goal is 13-18 minutes. You should be able to link 6 SDHP at a time & do the PP in 2-3 sets. 400m Run Sub = 1000m Bike or 250ft versa.

a) L-Sit/Tuck (parallettes) – 45/40/35/30/25/20 Sec (rest as much needed between)
b) EZ Bar Skull Crushers – 5×10

9/11/2024 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 1×5 @ 70%, 1×4 @ 75%, 1×3 @ 80%, 1×2 @ 85%, 2×1 @ 90%+ 
b) DB Bent-over Rows – 5×8 (each arm) – slow eccentric
—18 Min Clock to get this work done. You will build to a heavy single for part a.

12 Min AMRAP Ladder
3 Overhead Squats 115/75#  (RX+ = 135/95#)
3 T2B
6 Overhead Squats 115/75#
6 T2B
9 Overhead Squats 115/75#
9 T2B
***12/10 Cal Ski to start each round. Continue pattern for 12 minutes.

WOD Notes: Goal is to get to the round of ski/21/21. You should be able to go unbroken on the Squats through the round of 12 & 15. If OH mobility if lacking, you can do front squats. T2B sub = T2R, GHD SU, weighted SU, or leg raises on incline bench.

a) DB Reverse Flies – 4×15
b) GHD Sit-ups – 10×12 (rest 30 sec between)

9/10/2024 – WOD

a) 1 Power Clean + 2 Hang Power Clean + 1 Jerk – 5 Sets
b) DB Bench Press – 5×8 (5 sec eccentric)
—Superset a/b every 3:30. Start @ 65% of CnJ for Part a & build to a heavy set.

10 RFT – “20 Min Cap”
4 Dball/Bag over Shoulder 125/90#  (RX+ = 150/115#)
40 Double Unders
10/8 Cal Assault Bike

WOD Notes: Goal is to get under the 20 min cap. Large classes will have to share Dball/bags, which shouldn’t be a big deal with only 4 reps/rd. Scale back DU to 20-30/rd if necessary. You don’t have to reset the monitors after each rd. Bike sub = versa climb or Row the same amount of cals.

a) DB Bicep Curls (Incline bench) – 4×12
b) Hollow Rocks – Tabata 12 Rounds

9/9/2024 – WOD

a) Bulgarian Split Squats – 5×5 each leg (heavier than last wk)
b) Strict Pull-ups (close grip) – 5×6 (Advanced = weighted)
—Superset a/b every 4 minutes. You may use a band if necessary

Conditioning “20 Min Cap”
3 RFT w/ Partner
250m Sled Drag 135/90#
30 GI Janes
60 Russian KB Swings 88/70#

WOD Notes: Goal is to get under the 20 min cap. You will drag the sled together, but split up after you come in. Partner A will do the 15 GI Janes while Partner B does the 30 Russian swings. Try to go heavy on the swings! The person doing the swings will finish much quicker than the person on the GI Janes. 

a) Weighted Plank – 45 Sec on / 45 Sec off x 8 Rounds
b) Face Pulls (pulley) – 4×12 (pause each rep for 2 sec)