Author Archives: jordy

2/18/2013 – WOD

Back Squat 5×5 *Work up to a Heavy 5RM

“Air Force WOD” (Compare to 10/15/2012)
20 Thrusters 95/65lb
20 SDLHP 95/65lb
20 Push Jerk 95/65lb
20 Overhead Squats 95/65lb
20 Front Squats 95/65lb
***4 burpees at the top of every minute

4×25 Weighted Sit-ups

WOD Notes: Click on the link above to see what your time was back on 10/15/2012. If you performed this WOD on 10/15/2012, this will be a small assessment on how much your fitness has improved.


2/15/2013 – WOD

15 Min to Work on GOATS (Muscle-ups, HSPU, Double Unders, Rope Climbs, Kipping Pull-ups, mobility, etc…)

5 Rounds For Total Reps (1 Min at each station / 15 sec rest between stations)
1) Rope Climbs
2) Tire Flip w/ burpee
3) Weighted Sit-ups 50/25lb plate
4) Air Dyne (Calories)
—1 min rest after each round


Pat doing rope climbs in Vibrams!

Tina climbing rope as everyone looks up in awe!

2/14/2013 – WOD

5×3 Strict Weighted/Banded Pull-ups *Choose weight or band that is very difficult for 3 reps each set
5×2 Power Snatch (work up to a moderately heavy weight, but not maximal) *Reset after each rep

21-15-9 Reps of:
Overhead Squat 135/95lb
Chest To Bar Pull-ups
—Rest 3 minutes
3 Rounds
7 Power Snatches 135/95lb
35 Double Unders

WOD Notes: For the strength portion, Alternate between weighted/band pull-ups & power snatches. Rest at least 90 sec between sets. Overhead squat weight should be about 45-50% of your 1RM Overhead Squat. You may do front squats to scale the OHS. Scaling for the chest to bar pull-ups are regular pull-ups. Each WOD is timed separately, so record two times. Scaling for DU = 3x singles



2/13/2013 – WOD

12 Min to Find 1RM Power Clean

20 Min AMRAP
5 (1 Power Clean 205/135lb, 2 Lateral Burpees over Bar)
10 KB Walking Lunges 70/53lb
15 Toes To Bar

WOD Notes: Power Clean weight should be 70-75% of 1RM. Make sure you setup each power clean properly with good position for the 1st pull off the ground. For the walking lunges, you will hold the KB up at chest level mimicking the front rack position. This WOD will tax the midline and will challenge you metabolically as well.


Welcome Tina!

2/12/2013 – WOD

Shoulder Press 1×5 (75%), 1×3 (85%), 1×2 (90%), 3×1 (Find 1RM)

4 Rounds For Time
5 Wall Climbs
20 KB Swings 88/53lb
*At the 5 min mark run 400m outside or 20 Laps inside

3x Max Effort L-sit Hold/GHD Sit-up Hold/Weighted Plank/6 inches

WOD Notes: Scaling for the wall climbs is walking your feet backward onto a 24/20/12″ box while moving your hands as close as possible to the box to get torso vertical (pike position). Other ways of scaling will be discussed if this is still too difficult.


2/11/2013 – WOD

Back Squat 1×5 (75%), 1×3 (85%), 5×1 (Find 1RM)

5 Rounds For Time
6 Back Squat (70-75% of 1RM)
30 Lateral Jumps over Barbell
300m Row
—Rest 2 min between rounds
*Score = Total time minus 8 min of rest

WOD Notes: This is an interval style WOD, which each round should be performed as fast as possible. Back Squats should be fairly heavy, but you may double the reps (12) each round and go lighter @ 55% of 1RM to scale. You will have to partner up and share a rack with someone for this workout.

Congrats to everyone tonight on your back squat PR’s!!! Everyone either tied or crushed their old record by double digits! Keep up the great work!

2/9/2013 – WOD

*9am & 10am classes are on schedule for tomorrow. Please allow time to travel safely if you plan on coming. If you want to wait until later in the day to come in and attack this grueling WOD, open gym goes from 11-1pm.

“Gut Check”
10 Thrusters 175/115lb (10th rep should be difficult)
20 Toes To Bar
30 Pull-ups
40 Calorie Row
50 KB Swings 70/53lb
60 Wall Balls 20/14lb
70 Burpees

  • Good Luck to Dan J. tomorrow as he competes in the CrossFit Apex Winter Combine. Who wants to ride over after the morning WOD and cheer on Dan?!


Great job today everyone on this tough WOD! Shout out to Amber and Carly for visiting from Australia (CrossFit 3000)

2/8/2013 – WOD

15 Min To Find a 1RM Snatch (Full Snatch is preferred)

EMOM For 15 Minutes
1 Snatch Complex 155/105lb 65-70% of 1RM (Power Snatch, Hang Power Snatch, Hang Squat Snatch)
1 Tire Flip

WOD Notes: This WOD involves a lot of technique/skill and isn’t designed to metabolically tax your system. You may scale the percentage even lower to work on your form. You may also make-up a WOD that you missed this week, if you don’t plan on coming tomorrow.


2/7/2013 – WOD

Weighted/Banded Strict Pull-ups 5×5 *Choose a weight/band that will limit you to 5 reps

8-12-16-12-8—Chest/Bar Pull-ups
10-15-20-15-10—Front Rack BB Lunges 115/75lb (40% of 1RM Front Squat)
30-40-50-40-30—Double Unders

WOD Notes: Round 1 = 8 Chest/Bar Pull-ups, 10 Lunges, 30 DU. Round 2 = 12 Chest/Bar Pull-ups, 15 Lunges, 40 DU…Try to physically touch your chest to the bar on the pull-ups (these require a stronger kip & pull). Scaling for the Front Rack lunges are Behind the Neck lunges. Singles are triple the amount of DU.


Pat repping out pull-ups easily!

Mary killing the lunges!