
5/2/2013 – WOD

10 Min To Find Max Height Box Jump

“Tabata” – (20 sec work / 10 sec rest for 8 Rounds)
KB Swings 88/53lb
Double Unders
Toes To Bar
Air Dyne (Calories or Miles)
—Rest 30 seconds between movements

WOD Notes: You will do 8 rounds of KB Swings before rotating to double unders. One round is 20 sec of work with 10 sec of rest. After round 8 of each movement, you will rest an extra 30 sec before rotating to next movement. Score is total reps for each movement.


5/1/2013 – WOD

Deadlift 7×2 (Work up to a 2RM—You may touch & go or reset each rep)

20 Min AMRAP
Run 400m
15 Chest/Bar Pull-ups
20 Wall Balls 20/14lb

3×12 Glute/Ham Raises or Hip Extensions

Congrats to Brent for beasting out a 500lb Deadlift! Other PR’s: Erick – 265lb, Elishia – 159lb, Rick – 265lb, Seth – 355lb, Henry – 345lb, Julie – 138lb, Joan – 138lb

4/30/2013 – WOD

A) Push Jerk/Split Jerk 1×3 (70%), 1×2 (80%), 5×1 (Find a new 1RM)
B) Shoulder Press 4×3 (Heavy)

15 Min AMRAP
6 Hang Power Clean 165/115lb
3 Push Press 165/115lb
9 Bar Facing Burpees

WOD Notes: The weight for the HPC and PP (will be the same weight) should be 60% of 1RM HPC or 65% of 1RM Push Press. Rx’d for the bar facing burpees is jumping over the bar. The goal is to do the HPC and PP unbroken each round so you may need to rest extra after the burpees. Coach E. Hill will be running the 7pm class.

Reminder: CFRage one year anniversary celebration is May 18th! Please keep spreading the word!

Lots of PR’s again tonight. Keep up the great work everyone!

4/29/2013 – WOD

Back Squat 4×6 (80% of 1RM)

3x1000m Row (all out!)
—Rest 3-5 minutes between efforts
*If time remains at the end of class, work on any GOATS you want to improve.

3×12 Tempo GHD Sit-ups or 4×25 Weighted Sit-ups (Heavy)

Lots of PR’s tonight on the Rows! Nice job everyone!!

4/27/2013 – WOD

4 Rounds For Time
8 Hang Squat Clean 185/115lb
400 Run
—Rest 3 Minutes
50 Burpees
1000m Row

WOD Notes: Record 2 separate times for the 1st and 2nd WOD. Both WOD’s should be all out efforts! Hang Squat Clean weight should be 65% of 1RM. Remember CF Rage one year anniversary celebration is May 18th!


Congrats to Kyle on his 235lb PR clean and 200lb Clean n Jerk! Look at Shayne in background, haha!

Congrats to Shayne on his 165lb OHS!

4/26/2013 – WOD

EMOM For 10 Min (1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch) *Do Full Snatch if mobility allows for it
2 @ 75%, 2 @ 80%, 4 @ 85%, 2 @ 90%

12 Min AMRAP
5 Power Snatch 135/95lb
10 Behind Neck BB Walking Lunges 135/95lb
15 Ab Mat Sit-ups
***1 Rope Climb 20′ every 3 minutes.

WOD Notes: The WOD starts with 1 rope climb and y0u must do 1 rope climb at the 12 min mark as well (5 total rope climbs). Power Snatch weight is 65% of your 1RM Power Snatch. On the 5th power snatch every round, try to go right into the walking lunges, without dropping the barbell. Scaling for Rope climbs are 5 up/downs or 10 Burpees.


4/25/2013 – WOD

Bench Press 5×3 (Heavy)

10 Min AMRAP
10 Ring Push-ups (odd rd), 10 Burpees (even rd)
10 Toes To Bar
20 Double Unders
—Rest 3 minutes
3x (1 min AMRAP of tire flips)

Announcement: May 18th is the one year anniversary party! There have been numerous accomplishments the past few weeks at Rage, whether it would be weight loss, PR on a lift, or learning a new skill. It’s amazing to see how well everyone is progressing each week, I’m so proud to have the best members ever! Keep up the great work Ragers!

Congrats to Joan for doing first WOD “Helen” Rx’d!!!

4/24/2013 – WOD

15 Min To Find 1RM Clean n Jerk
***No more than 6 attempts, however you may just work on technique with lighter weights

12 Clean n Jerk 185/115lb
20 Wall Balls 20/14lb
9 Clean n Jerk 185/115lb
20 Wall Balls 20/14lb
6 Clean n Jerk 185/115lb
20 Wall Balls 20/14lb
3 Clean n Jerk 185/115lb
20 Wall Balls 20/14lb

Midline: a) 3×10 GHD Tempo Sit-ups b) 3×12 Weighted Back Extensions

WOD Notes: Clean n Jerk weight should be 65% of your new 1RM. You may choose to touch & go some reps or drop each one. Keep spreading the word about CF Rage 1 year anniversary celebration on May 18th!


Nicole locking out Muscle-Up!

4/23/2013 – WOD

5×3 Weighted Strict Pull-ups (heavy as possible)

“Helen” – 3 Rounds For Time (Compare to: 9/5/2012,7/4/2012)
400m Run
21 KB Swings 53lb
12 Pull-ups
—Rest 5 minutes
400m Sled Pull/Drag for Time 45/25lb

WOD Notes: Helen is one of our benchmark WOD’s on the PR Board. Time domain for this WOD is 6-15 minutes.

Reminder: CFRage 1 year anniversary is May 18th. Keep spreading the word!


Erick doing work on the KB Swings!

Ryan first time using 1 Pood KB!

4/22/2013 – WOD

Back Squat 1×5 (80%), 2×3 (85%), 3×2 (90%), 2×1 (95%)

5 Rounds For Total Working Time
8 Thrusters 155/115lb
15 Lateral Burpees over Bar
300m Row Sprint
—Rest 2 minutes between rounds

WOD Notes: This is an interval style WOD, which each round must be performed all out! High intensity is important in this WOD, so don’t save your energy for the later rounds. Thruster weight should challenge you on the 8th rep, but light enough to go unbroken all 5 rounds. Score is total time minus 8 minutes of rest.
Reminder: One Year Anniversary / Open House celebration is May 18th. Keep spreading the word!
