Monthly Archives: June 2015

6/6/2015 – WOD

For Time
200m Sled Drag 90/45#
5 Clusters 205/125#
25 KB Swings 70/53#
25 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20″
25 T2B
400m Run
25 T2B
25 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20″
25 KB Swings 70/53#
5 Clusters 205/125%
200m Sled Drag 90/45#

WOD Notes: TD = 20-25 minutes. Cluster weight is heavy (75%+) of thruster.   

6/5/2015 – WOD

Back Squat (tempo) – 7×3 @ 80%
—5 sec count down. Drive out of hole aggressively. 

Make-Up/Skill Day!

Reminder: Clean n Jerk Clinic is tomorrow from 11:30am-1pm. Sign-up sheets are on my desk! 

6/4/2015 – WOD

a) Bench Press (tempo) – 5×5 (heavy)
b) Strict Pull-ups (tempo) – 5×5 (weighted for advanced / bands for novice)
—Alternate between a & b each set. The negative portion should be a 3 sec count.

4 Rounds For Time
6 Push Press @ 77%
2 Rope Climbs 20ft
Run 400m

WOD Notes: TD = 13-18 minutes. No push jerks are allowed, only push presses. Push presses should be heavy, but should be able to get unbroken almost every round. Scaling for RC = climb to 15ft or do 2 laps sled pull with arms only.

Reminder: Clean n Jerk Clinic is this Saturday June 6th from 11:30am-1pm. Sign-up sheets are on my desk! So far we have 8 people signed up. 

6/3/2015 – WOD

3 Position Snatch – (1 above knee + 1 below knee + 1 ground) @ 75-80%
—1 set every 2 minutes for 10 minutes. 6 sets total. You may drop bar after 2nd rep & reset from the ground.

For Time
12 Ring Muscle-Ups
20 DB Snatches (alternating) 80/50#
40 Wall Balls 20/14#
9 Ring Muscle-Ups
15 DB Snatches
30 Wall Balls
6 Ring Muscle-Ups
10 DB Snatches
20 Wall Balls

WOD Notes: TD = 11-16 min (slightly longer if you are rowing). Scaling for Ring MU = cut reps in half each set (if you have MU) or you will row 30/25/20 cal by round (if you don’t have MU). Rx’d is 10ft for men/women for WB.  

6/2/2015 – WOD

BB Complex – 6 sets (1 sq clean + 1 hng sq clean + 1 jerk)
—Do 1 set every 2 minutes for 10 minutes. Start @ 80% & climb to a heavy set.

12 Min AMRAP Ladder
3 GI Janes
3 Power Cleans 185/115#
6 GI Janes
6 Power Cleans
9 GI Janes
9 Power Cleans
12 GI Janes
12 Power Cleans
15 GI Janes
15 Power Cleans
*Keep climbing ladder for the remainder of 12 minutes. Score = total reps.

3×12 GHD Sit-ups (5 sec count down / 3 sec count up)

WOD Notes: Aim to get through the round of 12 + some of the round of 15. PC weight is 65% of 1RM. Try to use a bar that is above your reach. You may do the GI Janes strict or you may kip the pull-up.  

6/1/2015 – WOD

Overhead Squat – 15 Min to find a new 1RM, then do 1 set max reps @ bodyweight or 70%

For Time
50 Front Rack Lunges 135/95#
1000m Row
30 Thrusters 135/95#

WOD Notes: TD = 10-15 minutes. Use same weight for lunges & thrusters. You should be able to do lunges in 2-4 sets. Thrusters should be  completed in no more than 4 minutes