10/5/2024 – WOD
30 Min Clock – 3 RFT w/ Partner
400m Sled Drag (135/90#)
40 DB Push Press 60/40#’s
4 Rope Climbs 18ft
40 FR Lunges (increase by round)
***Max Burpees in Remaining Time.
WOD Notes: Goal is to finish the WOD in under 30 minutes & have some time to accumulate burpees at the end. You may break up the work as needed, but the recommendation is to do sets of 10 on the PP & Lunges. RC sub = Climb 12-15ft, 2 up/downs per RC, or 8 RR per RC. Lunges = M: 155/175/195#, F: 105/120/135#.