2/6/2025 – WOD
Strength – “Full Body Circuit” – 35 Minutes
1 Round Every 7 Minutes x 5 Sets
a) Bench Press – Find a Heavy Single + 3xME @ 70%
b) Sandbag Bear Hug Carry – 4 Sets (45-60 Sec) -use a heavier bag you have never tried before
c) DB Bent-over Rows (use straps) – 10 Reps each arm (pause) -heavier than last wk
d) L-Sit/Tuck (pegboard) – 30-40 Sec
e) Bulgarian Split Squats – 6 Reps (each leg) —Hold DB/KB at your side & go below parallel.
Notes: Try to stay on a 7 minute interval for all 5 movements & go close to failure on everything!! If you leave a few reps in the tank for all sets, you won’t see any gains! Start at a different station for large classes. You can just walk around the gym for 45 Sec for the bear hug carry.
2000ft Versa Climber For Time – “100k Challenge WOD #5”
—This is optional as it will take 18-20 minutes
a) DB Bicep Curls – 4×10
b) DB Skull Crushers – 4×10