Monthly Archives: November 2015

11/6/2015 – WOD

Front Squat – 3×10 @ 70,75,80%

Make-up/Skill Day!

Pull-up Challenge – Day 5
4×5 – Strict C2B (or least amount of sets possible)
—Make it slightly harder than yesterday. (Use a heavier weight or thinner band)

11/5/2015 – WOD

Snatch (full) – 2 every minute for 12 minutes (24 reps total)
—2 sets each @ 60,65,70,75,80,85%

15 Min AMRAP
15 T2B
10 Overhead Lunges 135/95#
5 Ring Muscle-Ups (sub: 8 GI Janes)

WOD Notes: TD = 4-7 rounds. T2b scale = 8 cal ski erg or less reps of t2b. OH lunge weight is a little less than 50% of OHS 1RM. If classes are small, you should walk the lunges. You may scale MU to 3 each round if necessary.

Pull-up Challenge – Day 4
3×6 – Strict C2B (or least amount of sets possible)
—Make it slightly harder than yesterday. (Use a heavier weight or thinner band)


11/4/2015 – WOD

Clean + push jerk + split jerk – 7 sets @ 80-90%

3 Rounds For Time
10 Power Cleans (80%)
30 Wall Balls 30/20#
600m Run

WOD Notes: TD = 15-22 minutes. PC are fairly heavy in this WOD, so focus on a good setup and do singles. The run is past the “Eggs Sign” as you go around the corner there is a blue line on the ground/curb.

Pull-up Challenge – Day 3
2×8 – Strict C2B
—Make it slightly harder than yesterday. (Use a heavier weight or thinner band)



11/3/2015 – WOD

Bench Press – Quickly work up to a heavy single (95%+), then 3×10 @ 75%

ECC Qualifier Week 1″ – WOD #2
4 Rounds For Time
30/25 Cal Row
15 Burpees Over Rower
—Rest 5 minutes

For Time
400m Sled Drag 45/25#
400m Run

WOD Notes: TD = 8-14 min & 3:30-6 min. Guys will row 30 cals & girls will row 25 cals. You may do Burpees laterally and you must reset monitor to “0” each round.

Pull-up Challenge Day 2
1×10 Strict C2B Pull-ups or accumulate 10 reps in the least amount of sets possible.
—Advanced = Weighted (heavy as possible for 10) 

What is Ross doing?!

11/2/2015 – WOD

Back Squat – 3×10 @ 70%, 75%, 80%

5 Rounds For Time
10 Overhead Squats 145/100#
1 Rope Climb 20ft
50 Double Unders

Pull-Up Challenge – “Day 1 – Test Day”
1 set Max Effort Strict Pull-ups
—If you cannot do a strict PU, use a band that you can get 10-15 reps unbroken

WOD Notes: TD = 7-13 minutes. OH squat is around 50% of 1RM (should be unbroken every round). RC scale = 3 up/downs arms only or 8 cal ski erg. DU scale = 100 singles.

Announcement:  We will be doing a 4-week Strict Pull-up challenge starting today! It will be a linear progression where the sets (volume) increase a little each day & week. Everyone is encouraged to participate especially those who want to get their first unassisted strict pull-up. All ability levels will be able to participate.

Halloween WOD