
8/19/2015 – WOD

Snatch – 15 Min to Work up to a heavy single + 1 min amrap @ 70% (aim for 7+ reps)

3 Rounds For Time
500m Row
30 Alternating Pistols
10 Deadlifts 275/175#

Extra Work
Tabata Ski Erg

WOD Notes: TD = 10-15 minutes. You may sub 20 walking lunges with a heavy DB in the Front Rack if you can’t do pistols. You should be able to do the 20 reps in 2 sets or less. DL weight is around 60% of 1RM.  

8/18/2015 – WOD

Hang Clean – 15 Min to Work up to a heavy 1RM
—Your choice between power/full, however full is preferred

Power Cleans 185/125#
C2B Pull-ups
Box Jump Overs 30/24″

4×8 Ring/Bar Dips (weighted – should be difficult for 8 reps)

WOD Notes: TD = 8-15 minutes. PC weight is between 60-65% of 1RM. You may scale C2B to chin over bar. Box jump overs are a little higher than normal. You don’t have to open hips while standing on the box. 

8/17/2015 – WOD

Back Squat – 5×3 (5 sec pause in bottom) @ 75%

4 Rounds For Time
5 Burpee Ring Muscle-Ups (sub: 10 GI Janes)
14 single arm DB thrusters 60/40# – 7R/7L
Run 400m

Tabata Hollow Rock Hold

WOD Notes: TD = 12-18 minutes. For the GI Janes, try to jump right from the burpee into the pull-up without the swing & kip. We will be doing pull-ups tomorrow. For the thrusters, you must do 7 with the right arm before moving on to 7 with the left. 

8/15/2015 – WOD

20 Min AMRAP
3 Hang Squat Clean 185/125#
4 Push Press 185/125#
6 Front Rack Lunges 185/125#
8 Bar Facing Burpees
12 T2B

WOD Notes: TD = 6-10 rounds. Use same weight for all (3) BB movements. All 13 reps should be done without putting the bar down the first few rounds. Use around 60% of squat clean (moderately heavy). Scaling for T2B = 10 cal ski erg or 12 hang hips above knees.

Team Rage 1st place – Battle at the Burbs

8/13/2015 – WOD

Bench Press – Work up to heavy single (95%), then do 3×5 tempo @ 70% (5 sec count down/explode up)

6 Rounds For Time
50 Double Unders
8 Strict C2B Pull-ups
250m Run

WOD Notes: TD = 14-19 minutes. DU scale = 100 singles. Scale for Strict C2B = strict chin over bar (no kipping). If you can’t do an unassisted pull-up, use a band that will be difficult for 8 reps each round unbroken.  

8/12/2015 – WOD

Snatch – 10 sets (1 tempo snatch + 1 full snatch) @ 70-80%
—You may drop bar between reps. Pull should be slow on the tempo snatch (2-3 sec by the time bar reaches knee).

4 Rounds For Time
6 DB Snatches (alternating) 100/70#
12 Wall Balls 30/20#
10 Burpees
—Rest 2 minutes
***Repeat 4 Rounds For Time***

WOD Notes: TD = 5-7 minutes for the 4 rounds (you will do this 2x for a total of 8 rounds with 2 min rest between). The goal is to go 100% the first 4 rounds & try to stay within 1 minute the 2nd time you go through the 4 rounds. Make sure workout space is small to minimize transition time. DB Snatch weight is heavy, but there should be no failed reps. Wall balls should be unbroken with heavier ball, however if you can’t go unbroken use a lighter ball. Record 2 separate times on whiteboard. 

8/11/2015 – WOD

Power Clean + Split Jerk – 7×1
—Start @ 80% & work up to a heavy single

3 Rounds For Time
10 Clean n Jerk 185/125#
10 Ring Muscle-ups
50 Cal Row

WOD Notes: TD = 15-20 minutes. CnJ weight is 60% of 1RM. MU scale = 15 GI Janes.

Good luck to Ross this wkend at USWA Nationals!

8/10/2015 – WOD

Back Squat – Work up to heavy single (95%), then do 3×5 tempo @ 75% (5 sec count down/explode up)

For Time
20 Thrusters 155/105#
3 Rope Climbs 20ft
400m Sled Drag 100/60#
3 Rope Climbs 20ft
20 Thrusters 155/105#

3xME Weighted Plank (heavy) – should get 45-60 sec each set

WOD Notes: TD = 13-18 minutes. Thruster weight is about 60% of 1RM. You should have to break these up into a few sets especially the 2nd time through. RC scale each rd = 1 Lap Sled Pull with arms + 7 Strict Pull-ups + 10 cal ski erg.

***Happy Birthday to my Mom, Bonnie Boyles!  

8/8/2015 – WOD

3 Rounds For Time
20 KB Swings 70/53#
20 Goblet Squats 70/53#
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
20 C2B pull-ups
Run 400m

WOD Notes: TD = 20-25 min. You may scale pull-ups to chin over bar. Use same KB for swings and squats.

Rage Bike outing!