Category Archives: WOD

3/6/2023 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 4×10 (start @ 65% & hit a heavy set of 10)
b) Strict Pull-ups – 5×8 (supinated – advanced = weighted)
—Superset a/b every 4 minutes. Last set should be heavier than last week’s set of 8 squats. You may break up pull-ups as needed. If you can do a strict pu, try for as many as you can and finish with a band if necessary.

18/15 Cal Assault Bike
15 V-ups
12 DB Hang Clean N Push Press 50/35#  (RX+ = 60/40#)

WOD Notes: Goal is 13-17 minutes. V-up sub = tuck up (bend knees to elbows). DB work should be done in 1-2 sets each rd. 

a) Weighted Plank – 6×30 Sec (heaviest weight possible) -rest as much in between
b) Face Pulls (pulley) – 4×12 

3/2/2023 – WOD

Full Body Training Split” – Legs, Chest/shoulders/Tri, Back/Bis, Lower Leg
30 Minute Running Clock
1) Barbell Hip Thrusts – 5×10 (pause each rep)
2) DB Bench Press – 5×8 (heavy across)
3) GHD SIt-ups – 5×20 (you may also do weighted sit-ups)
4) Seal Rows (trap bar – handle up) – 5×8 
—Try to complete all 4 exercises every 6 minutes. First set of each movement can be lighter, but try to increase for the remaining sets.

For Time
40/32 Cal Ski
80 Wall Balls 20/14# to 10ft
40/32 Cal Ski

WOD Notes: Goal is 8-12 minutes. You should be able to do 20+ reps on the wall balls or do sets of 10 with very little rest. Try to push the last ski & sprint!

a) Tibilias Raises – 3×20 (lighter)
b) Banded TKE – 4×20 each leg (heavier band)

REMINDER: Wear your college alumni gear this Saturday for the final Open Workout 23.3!

3/1/2023 – WOD

a) Deadlift – 5×3 @ 77-80% (heavier than last wk)
b) DB Shoulder Press – 5×8 (control eccentric)
—Superset a/b every 3 minutes. No touch n go on DL.

12 Min AMRAP Ladder
2 Deadlifts 255/175# (55%+)  (RX+ = 275/185#)
1 Wall Walk
4 Deadlifts
2 Wall Walks
6 Deadlifts
3 Wall Walks
***After each round do 4 shuttle runs (forward down/backward back)
—Continue pattern until 12 minutes is up

WOD Notes: Each shuttle run = Down & Back (6 mats + 6 mats). Goal is to get to the round of 12/6/4. WW sub = 8-10 shoulder taps/WW or climb 2ft from the wall. You should be able to touch n go a lot of the DL or you may do singles if necessary.

a) DB Lateral + Front Raises – 3×15 each
b) Pallof Presses – 4×12 (pause each side – lots of tension on band)

2/28/2023 – WOD

a) Back Squat – 5×8 @ 70% (try to keep weights similar for all 5 sets)
b) Strict Pull-ups – 5×8 (pause each rep at the top)
—Superset a/b every 3:30. Use a band/weight if necessary

10 RFT
4 Hang Power Clean 205/135# (75%)
8 T2B
12/10 Cal Assault Bike

WOD Notes: Goal is 13-17 minutes. HPC should be relatively heavy to where you have to rest a few extra secs before you pick up the bar coming off the bike. T2B sub = T2R, hanging knee raises, or weighted su/LR. 

a) 30 Sec Russian Twists + 30 Sec Hollow Rocks: 4 Sets
b) DB Bicep Curls + DB Skull Crushers – 3×10 (overload eccentric), 1×10 (both concentric/eccentric)

2/27/2023 – WOD

Snatch – 3×5 @ 70%, 2×3 @ 75%, 5×1 @ 80%+
—You will do a set every 2 minutes for the 5’s & 3’s, then every minute for the 1’s. Try to hit a heavy set of 5/3/1 at the end. Try to squat a few if you have the mobility.

10 DB Snatches (alternating) 70/50#
150 Single Unders
16 Hang DB Snatches (alternating) 70/50#
75 Double Unders
20 SA Overhead Walking Lunges 70/50#
30/24 Cal Row

WOD Notes: Goal is 17-20 minutes. DB Snatches should be unbroken. You will do 10 lunges with DB in the left arm & 10 lunges with DB in the right arm. Make sure to walk these & not stay in place. DU sub = 150 singles just like the first round.

a) Weighted Plank – 8 Sets: 45 Sec on / 45 Sec off: (4 heavy / 4 moderate)
b) DB Pullover – 5×10 (heavy)

2/25/2023 – WOD

“Open WOD 23.2A”
Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
5 burpee pull-ups
10 shuttle runs (1 rep = 25 ft out/25 ft back)
*Add 5 burpee pull-ups after each round.

“Open WOD 23.2B”
Immediately following 23.2A, athletes will have 5 minutes to establish:
1-rep-max thruster (from the floor)

WOD Notes: You must use a pull-up bar that is just below your reach (2 arms – thumbs touching) in order to do the workout RX. Any RX score will beat a scaled score! Sign-up on the class sheet for tomorrow with your pull-up bar.

2/23/2023 – WOD

Strength Full Body Training Split” – Legs, Chest/shoulders/Tri, Back/Bis, Lower Leg
30 Minute Running Clock
1) Front Rack Lunges – 5×8 (build to a HEAVY set at the end)
2) DB Bench Press – 5×10 (heavy across)
3) Tibialis Raises – 4×15
4) Strict Pull-ups – 5×8 (use a band/weight or C2B for a challenge)
—Try to complete all 4 exercises every 6 minutes. First set of each movement can be lighter, but try to increase for the remaining sets.

For Time
200 Double Unders
5 Rope Climbs 15ft  (RX+ = 20ft)
1200m Run 

WOD Notes: Goal is 10-13 minutes. DU sub = 100 DU, 2:30 worth of practice, 300 singles, or 400ft versa. RC sub = 10 heavy pulleys, 8 up/downs (strict), or 40 RR. The run is to the culda sac, stop sign, eggs sign, and back into Rage.

a) GHD Sit-ups – 8×10 (weighted – heavier)
b) Banded TKE – 3×30 each leg
—Rest 30 Sec between sets of Sit-ups

2/22/2023 – WOD

a) Deadlift – 5×4 @ 77-80% (heavier than last wk)
b) DB Lateral Raises – 4×12 (pause + control eccentric)
—Superset a/b every 3 minutes. No touch n go on DL.

18 Min AMRAP w/ Partner
50/40 Cal Ski
30 Squat Clean (m: 155/205#, f: 105/135#)
20 Wall Walks

WOD Notes: Goal is 2 rds + getting to the 3rd rd of ski. Sq CL = 55/70% by rd. WW sub = Walk hands over a line thats 2 feet from wall or 10 shoulder taps/WW.

a) Barbell Front Raises – 4×10
b) Pallof Presses – 4×10 (pause each side – lots of tension on band)

2/21/2023 – WOD

Strength “20 Min Clock”
a) Jerk (use rack) – 2×5 @ 70% , 2×3 @ 80% , 3×1 @ 85%+ (work up to a heavy single)
b) Glute Ham Raises or GHD Hip Extensions – 4×12
—-Superset a/b as needed, but try to get part (b) done early so you can try to hit a heavy jerk

15 Min AMRAP Max Cal Assault Bike
Every 1:30, starting at 0:00, do:
**ODD Rds = 6 Laps Bear Hug Carry 150/115#
**EVEN Rds = 8 Push Jerks @ 65%

WOD Notes: Goal is to have at least 45 secs to bike each round. You should have more time to bike after the PJ rounds. PJ should feel heavy to where you shouldn’t be able to pick up the bar right away after you get off the bike. 1 Lap = 6 mats for the bear hug carry & should feel challenging.

a) Hollow Rocks (banded) – Accumulate 4 minutes in the shortest amount of time
b) DB Bicep Curls + DB Skull Crushers – 3×10 (overload eccentric), 1×10 (both concentric/eccentric)

2/20/2023 – WOD

Front Squat – Find a heavy single quickly, then 2×8-10 Reps @ 70%
—20 Min Clock. Try to get assistance work finished

Conditioning “Crossfit Games Open WOD 20.1”
10 RFT
8 Ground to Overhead 95/65#
10 Bar Facing Burpees

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 15 minutes, since that was the time cap. Power snatches are preferred, but you may CnJ if necessary. You may step over the bar, but that is considered scaling. 

a) Weighted Plank – 10 Sets: 30 sec on / 30 sec off (5 heavy/5 moderate)
b) DB Bent-over Rows – 4×10 each arm heavy (pause & control eccentric)