1/26/2013 – WOD

“Snow Partner WOD” (Between you and your partner complete the following reps)
100 Overhead Squats 95/65lb (Partner not working must hold a Plank)
100 Pull-ups (Partner not working must hold the barbell at the top of a deadlift)
100 Med Ball Sit-ups 20/14lb
100 Double Dutch Burpees over Bar
200 Double Unders OR 400 Singles (Partner not working must do 10 behind neck lunges before switching)
Row 2,000m (Partner must do 1 rope climb 20′ before switching)

WOD Notes: I will go over the standards for each movement and ways you can scale each of them. This will be a fun partner WOD that will keep both teammates active the entire time with little rest periods. Lets have fun with it Ragers!


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