12/27/2014 – WOD

Snatch – 15 Min to build to a heavy rep, but not a max
—Beginners will stay light and work on technique

3 Rounds For Time
10 Deadlifts 315/205lb
1 Pull-up Complex (2 L-Sit PU + 4 Strict C2B PU + 6 C2B Kip PU + 8 Reg Kip PU)
30 Burpees
—Rest 1 minute
800m Run

WOD Notes: DL weight is 65-70% of 1RM. The pull-up complex is 20 reps each round. If you cannot do an unassisted strict Pull-up, use a band for 10 strict pu & without a band for 10 kipping pull-ups. You must do 20 pull-ups, however you scale it. Record your 800m run time separately from the WOD.

Schedule: 9am & 10am classes. Open gym 11-3pm.


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