11/6/2017 – WOD

a) Bulgarian Split Squats – 5×6 (each leg) @ 45% of BS
–barbell should be in front rack. Heavier than last wk
b) One Arm High Pulls – 4×10 (same wt as last wk)

12 Min AMRAP Ladder
3 Hang Sq Clean 175/115#
10/8 Cal Row
6 Hang Sq Clean 175/115#
15/12 Cal Row
9 Hang Sq Clean 175/115#
20/17 Cal Row
12 Hang Sq Clean 175/115#
25/20 Cal  Row
15 Hang Sq Clean 175/115#
Max Cals on Rower in remaining time left

WOD Notes: TD = 30-60 cals. Score = max cals in the last rd. You will have anywhere from 3-5 minutes on the rower at the end. Use 60% of sq clean. You should be able to do the hang cleans unbroken through the round of 6 & maybe 9, but will have to break up the rd of 12 & 15.

a) Wide Grip Strict C2B Pull-ups – Accumulate 60 Reps in the least amount of time
–Use weight if you can do 10+ strict unbroken. Scale = accumulate 20 negatives
b) Plank (weighted) – 8 sets: 45 on/45 off (heavier than last wk)

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