4/16/2020 – WOD

***Snatch Zoom Lifting Class at 5pm today!


2 Rounds
90 Sec Cardio (Bike, Row, Ski, Run). Build pace esp 2nd rd!
12 One Leg RDL (6R + 6L) DB
10 DB Hang Curls
10 DB Lunges
10 DB Push Press
50ft OH Carry (R) + 50ft OH Carry (L)
20 Sec Hollow Rock
Spiderman Lunge Stretch (2nd rd only)

Clean (full) + 2 Jerks. 1 set every 90 sec x 6
—Build to a heavier set than last wk since this is only 2 jerks. Start @ 70%.

8 Front Rack Lunges 135/95#
8 Push Jerks 135/95#
Run 200m

WOD Notes: RD 1-3 = 8 FRL + 8 PJ @ 135/95#. RD 4-6 = 6 FRL + 6 PJ @ 155/105#. RD 7-9 = 4 FRL + 4 PJ @ 185/125#. If you don’t have access to a lot of weights just choose 1-2 diff set of weights throughout. Goal is to go unbroken on the barbell each round. Goal is 15-18 min.

2 DB Version – 9RFT
8 DB Lunges (on shoulders) 50/35#’s
8 Push Presses 50/35#’s
Run 200m

WOD Notes: Goal is to go unbroken on the DB’s each round. If you have to break, make sure it’s right after doing the 8th lunge each set. If you only have 1 DB, it is 14 Lunges + 14 PP (7R + 7L) each rd.

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