6/21/2022 – WOD

a) Hex Bar DL or Sumo DL – 2×5@75%, 2×4@80%, 1×3@85%, 1×2@90%+
b) DB Skull Crushers – 5×8 (heavy)
c) Hollow Hold – 5×30-45 Sec
—Superset a/b/c every 4 minutes

Conditioning “18 Min Cap”
50 Power Cleans For Time @ 60/70/75%
***Every 1:45, starting at 0:00,
ODD Rds = 60 Double Unders
EVEN Rds = 3 Wall Walks  (RX+ = 4 WW or 50ft HSW)

WOD Notes: You should be able to have about a minute each round to get as many power cleans. You will do 5 rds of each at the most. You will change weights after the 20th & 40th rep (3 separate weights). DU sub = 100 singles, 120ft versa, or 30 Jumping jacks. WW sub = 2 or 1.5 laps around box.

a) Glute Ham Raises or Hamstring Sliders – 4×10 
b) One Arm Farmers Hold (KB or DB) – 2×60 sec each side (heavy)

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