a) Snatch – 1 Every 30 Sec x 10 Sets, 1 EMOM x 10 (build to a heavy single)
—One set every 75 sec, starting at 65% & work up to a heavy complex
b) Hex Bar Deadlift – 5×8 @ 70%+
c) DB Bent-over Rows – 4×10 (each arm, slow eccentric)
—Choose either a or b/c together
2024 Age Group Semi Final WOD #4
30 Power Cleans 115/75#
30 T2B
30 Thrusters 115/75#
—Rest 2 minutes
20 Power Cleans 125/85#
20 T2B
20 Thrusters 125/85#
—Rest 1 minute
10 Power Cleans 135/95#
10 T2B
10 Thrusters 135/95#
WOD Notes: The actual Semi Finals WOD was just the 30/30/30, but I added in the other 2 parts since the 30/30/30 should take less than 7 minutes. Cleans should feel super light to where you can touch n go at least 5 at a time. Thrusters should also feel light to where you can do them in 3-4 sets. T2B sub = T2R, knee raises, or incline leg raises.
a) L-Sit/Tuck (Pegboard) – 40 Sec x 6 Sets
b) DB Lateral Raises – 4×12 (slow eccentric)