11/19/2024 – WOD

a) 2 Push Press + 2 Push Jerks x 5 Sets @ 80-90% of PP
b) GHR (5×8-10) or Hamstring Sliders (5×15)
—Superset a/b every 3:30

Conditioning “20 Min Cap”
20 RFT w/ Partner (interval)
5 Hang Power Clean (M: 165/195#, F: 110/125#)
5 Push Jerks (same weight as HPC)
8/7 Cal Bike Sprint

WOD Notes: Goal is to get under the 20 Min Cap. Partner A will complete a full round while Partner B rests. Repeat this pattern for 20 rounds. Increase the weight after round 10. Starting weight should be around 60% (increase to 70%) of the weaker lift between HPC & PJ. 

a) DB Lateral Raises – 5×10 (pause + slow eccentric)
b) Hollow Rocks – 60 Sec on / 60 Sec off x 5 Sets

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