11/23/2024 – WOD

3 RFT w/ Partner
80/60 Cal Ski
40 Front Rack Lunges (increase by rd)
6 (7 Burpees + 1 Rope Climb 18ft)

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 35 minutes. Lunges: M = 155/175/195#, F = 105/115/125#. You should be switching every 10 cals on the ski and every 10 reps on the lunges. Partner A will work on the burpees while Partner B does the 1 RC. RC sub = climb 10-12ft, 2 up/downs, or 7 Ring Rows. You will each do 3 rounds of the Burpees & RC. 7am class will have some teams start with the burpees/RC because there’s only 10 ski ergs.

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