
10/2/2017 – WOD

Back Squat – 8×3 @ 88% (24 reps)
—Do 1 set every 1:15 min. Make a small jump compared to last wk.

4 Rounds For Time
10 DB Burpee Ground to OH 45/30#
2 Rope Climbs (1 legless 15ft + 1 w/ legs 20ft)
400m Run

WOD Notes: TD = 14-20 min. RC scale = climb with legs both reps to 15/12ft or 6 up/downs each round (stay in a strict plank position & use arms only).

a) Strict C2B Pull-ups – Accumulate 80 Reps in least amount of sets possible.
—Use weight if you can do 10+ strict unbroken. Scale = accumulate 25 negatives
b) Plank (weighted) – 10×20 sec (heavier than last wk)
—Rest 40 sec between sets

9/30/2017 – WOD

For Time
30/20 Cal Ski
100 Double Unders
40 DB Snatches 50/35#
30 Pull-ups
400m Sled Drag 70/35#
30 Pull-ups
40 DB Snatches 50/35#
100 Double Unders
30/20 Cal Ski

WOD Notes: TD = 14-20 min. Classes will run heats every 2:30 min with the advanced athletes going first to avoid any backing up on the last ski erg. DU scale = 150 singles or 50 DU. The DB Snatches should feel really light to where you can touch n go most of the reps. PU scale = 15-20 reps or you can do ring rows. You may kip them.

a) Glute Ham Raises or GHD Hip Extensions – 4×12 (weighted)
b) One Arm Shoulder Press – 4×12 (each arm – heavy)

9/29/2017 – WOD

Back Squat – 7×4 @ 87% (28 reps)
—Do 1 set every 1:30 min. Use a belt if necessary now.

Make-up/Skill Day!

a) L-Sit/tuck (Pegboard) – 9×20 sec (rest 60 sec between)
b) Sandbag Bear Hug Walk – 4×90 sec

9/28/2017 – WOD

Snatch (full) – 8×2 every 60 sec @ 87% (16 reps)

20 Rounds For Time (Relay Style – with a partner)
4 Dball Over Shoulder 150/100#
20/15 Cal AD Bike (Assault 12/8)

WOD Notes: TD = :45-1:10/round. Each athlete does 10 rounds. Athlete B goes when Athlete A finishes bike. Each round is designed to be a sprint so DO NOT hold back on the bike! Reset monitors each round & make sure Dball/bike are close to each other!

a) Bench Press (close-grip) – 4×12 (same as last wk)
b) DB/plate Rear Delt Raises – 4×12 (same last wk)
—Lay on a bench or hinge forward & bring arms out straight. Lower weights down slow.
c) One Arm Farmers Carry – 1x400m (200m each arm – use 25% of DL)
—Use straps if you have them.

9/27/2017 – WOD

Clean n Jerk – 2 reps every 1:15 for 8 sets @ 85% (16 reps)
—You must squat both reps

5 Rounds For Time
5 Squat Cleans 205/135# (65%)
10 Strict HSPU (2″ deficit)
20/17 Cal Row

WOD Notes: TD = 12-18 min. HSPU scale = less reps strict with no deficit, 10 kipping, 2-3 wall climbs/round, or 10 DB strict presses.

a) Bulgarian Split Squats (front rack) – 3×10 each leg (50% of FS)
—rest 60 sec between legs
b) BB Bent-over Rows (supinated grip) – 4×12 (heavy)
c) GHD Sit-ups – 4×15 (tempo 5 sec count down)

9/26/2017 – WOD

Push Press – 7×4 @ 88-90%
—Do 1 set every 1:30.

For Time
18 Power Snatches 95/65#
20 Bar Facing Burpees
15 Power Snatches 135/95#
20 Bar Facing Burpees
12 Power Snatches 155/105#
20 Bar Facing Burpees
9 Power Snatches 185/115#
20 Bar Facing Burpees

WOD Notes: TD = 11-17 min. To minimize transitions, you don’t have to use clips for the first 2 barbells, but be careful if you’re using the 15# barbell since the collar length is shorter.

a) RDL (clean grip) – 5×5 @ 72-75% of DL
b) One Arm High Pulls – 5×8 (same as last wk)
c) Hollow Rock – 8 sets: 45 on / 30 sec rest

9/25/2017 – WOD

Back Squat – 7×4 @ 85% (28 reps)
—Do 1 set every 1:30 min. Use a belt if necessary now.

3 Rounds For Time
50 Wall Balls 20/14# To 10ft
20 T2B (RX+ = 30)
600m Run

WOD Notes: TD = 16-22 min. Scale the WB reps to 40 if you can’t do 50 unbroken fresh as your largest set. You should be able to do wall balls in 2-3 sets max each round!

a) Weighted C2B Pull-ups – Accumulate 70 Reps in least amount of sets possible.
—Use weight if you can do 10+ strict unbroken. Scale = accumulate 25 negatives
b) Plank (weighted) – 10×30 sec (heavier than last wk)
—Rest 30 sec between sets

9/23/2017 – WOD

***8am Open Gym, 9am & 10am classes, Open Gym 11-2pm***

Complete With a Partner For Time
40 Clean n Jerks @ 60%
60 GI Janes
800m Partner Sled Drag 90/45#
60 GI Janes
40 Clean n Jerks @ 60%

WOD Notes: TD = 20-30 min. The CnJ (no squat) you must alternate back and forth with singles. GI Janes you may work at the same time (accumulate 60 each rd).

a) Glute Ham Raises or GHD Hip Extensions – 4×12 (weighted)
b) One Arm Shoulder Press – 3×12 (each arm – heavy)