3/12/2013 – WOD

12 Min To Find 1RM Rack Jerk (you may choose split or power jerk, but must come from the front rack)

800m Row
10 Push Jerk 185/95lb (65% 1RM)
30 Lateral Burpees over Bar
600m Row
15 Push Jerk 155/115lb (55% 1RM)
25 Lateral Burpees over Bar
400m Row
20 Push Jerk 135/125lb (45% 1RM)
20 Lateral Burpees over Bar

WOD Notes: Make sure you set up the weights so that a fast transition can be made to switch weights each round. You should be able to knock out each round of push jerks in 2 sets or less, so choose appropriate weight. A push jerk is prescribed in the WOD, however you may push press if you’re still not
comfortable using the push jerk.


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