7/19/2016 – WOD

Push Press – 4×7 (heavy)
—Start @ 80% for set 1. Go for a 7RM by the 2nd or 3rd set.

For Time:
2 Mile Sled Drag Relay w/ Partner 45/25#
—This will be the same format as the 5k row with partner from last week. Each person will do 4×400’s ALL OUT!

WOD Notes: TD = 14-24 minutes. The Sled drag will start from the middle garage door. Partner A will sprint with the sled to the 400m mark (while partner B does 25 hollow rocks) turnaround and tag partner B who must be waiting inside the gym. Whenever someone is resting they must do 25 hollow rocks, so when partner A is finished with sled drag, they must do 25 hollow rocks before partner b gets back. Each person will end up doing 100 hollow rocks total. Do your best to run the entire time with the sled since it should be light!

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