9/21/2017 – WOD

Snatch – 3 reps every 1:15 for 7 sets @ 85% (21 reps)
—You must squat all 3 reps

Conditioning (20 Min Cap)
100 Thrusters For Time 75/55#
*Top of every min do 7/4 Cal Ski

WOD Notes: TD = 10-16 min. WOD starts with the ski erg! Thrusters should be light to where you don’t even have to think about picking up the bar each rd. You should be aiming to get 7-10 thrusters/min. Ski ergs should be right near your barbell to minimize transitions. We can get 8 athletes going at once. “4” athletes will start at 3.2.1…Rage, the other “4” will start at the 30 sec mark. If you get to a point in the WOD where you cant get 7/4 cals, just ski for 25 sec each round. RESET monitors each minute! DO NOT let go of handles on the ski ergs!

a) Bench Press (close-grip) – 4×10 (same as last wk)
b) DB/plate Rear Delt Raises – 4×10 (same last wk)
—Lay on a bench or hinge forward & bring arms out straight. Lower weights down slow.
c) One Arm Farmers Carry – 3x100m (50m each arm – use 33% of DL)
—Use straps if you have them.

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