5/26/2020 – WOD

5pm Weightlifting Zoom
Password: 343316

5:45pm Zoom WOD
Meeting ID: 758 4036 9900
Password: 6xTJXk

Snatch – 1 Rep every 45 sec x 15 sets
—Start @ 75% & work up to 90%+ by the end

20 DB Hang Snatches (alternate every 5 reps) 70/45# 
15 T2B
10 Box Jumps 30/24″

WOD Notes: Goal is 11-15 min. You will do 5 reps in a row with one arm before switching. Think of it as a one arm KB swing, but drive elbow high and back as you finish each rep. T2B sub = 15 weighted sit-ups. Choose a higher box than normal for the box jumps & make sure to step down to avoid high impact, since we ran 2 miles yesterday for “Murph”. 

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