9/3/2022 – WOD

Conditioning “35 Min Cap”
3 RFT w/ Partner
80/64 Cal Assault Bike (you must do 6-8 T2B while you rest)
8 (5 Strict Pull-ups + 5 Push-up + Burpee)
24/22/20 Squat Cleans (m: 155/175/205#) (f: 105/115/135#)

WOD Notes: Goal is sub 35 min. For the Bike you must switch every 10/8 cals. So each person will do 4 sets (10/8 cals + 6-8 T2B). T2B sub = weighted sit-ups or hollow rocks. Use a band for strict pull-ups if you can’t do an unassisted one. Partner A will work on pull-ups while partner B does the push-up + Burpee. Cleans should be 55/60/70% of your max. 

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