1/28/2023 – WOD

Conditioning “42 Min Clock”
For Time w/ Partner
1800m Row 
60 T2B
6 (8 Thrusters + 8 OH Lunges) 115/75#
1200m Row
60 T2B
8 (6 Thrusters + 6 FR Lunges) 135/95#
1000m Row
60 T2B
10 (4 Thrusters + 4 BR Lunges) 165/113#
***Max Muscle-ups, slam balls, Double Unders, Versa Climber (you choose)

WOD Notes: Goal is to finish in under 40 minutes, so that you have a few minutes at the end to accumulate reps in either MU, SB, DU, or Versa Climber. You should be aiming to row at your 2k pace or faster. You should switch every 300m Rounds 1/2 & every 250m Round 3. T2B sub = T2R, knee above hips, weighted leg raises/SU.

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