a) Back Squat – 5×3 (3 Sec tempo + Pause) @ 80%+
b) DB Pull-over (2 DB’s) – 5×8 (slow tempo)
—Superset a/b every 3:30. The (2) DB’s should be similar when you add them up to the (1) you normally use.
12 Min AMRAP of Wall Balls 30/20# to 10/9.5ft
—Every 90 Seconds x 8 Rounds, starting at 0:00 do:
ODD RD = 60 Double Unders
EVEN RD = 15 T2B
WOD Notes: The goal is to have 45+ sec to accumulate WB each round. Score = total WB reps. DU sub = 30 DU, 80 singles, or 120ft versa. You will do 240 DU & 60 T2B total.
a) Weighted Plank: 30 sec on / 30 sec off x 10 Sets
b) 8 Bicep Curls (heavy) + 60ft Gun Walk (lighter DB)