11/14/2024 – WOD

Snatch – 3×3, 4×2, 5×1 (same as last week, but from the floor this wk)
—One set every 90/75/60 Sec for 3/2/1’s. Start @ 70% for 3’s & build to a heavy set of 3/2/1.

90 Sec AMRAP x 12 w/ Partner (interval)
8 Hang DB Snatches (increase every 2 rds/person)
10 Box Jump Overs 24/20″  (RX+ = 30/24″)
Max Cal Ski

WOD Notes: Goal is to have at least 30 sec to sprint on the Ski erg each rd! Hang DB Snatch = 4R + 4L (do not alternate each rep). RX = M: 70/80/90#, F: 50/55/60#. Use a low box If necessary or stack plates (try to avoid step-ups). You will do 6 rounds each (90 Sec on / 90 Sec rest).

a) L-Sit/Tuck – 6×45 Sec (2 Min rest between)
b) BB Bent-over Rows (supinated) – 5×10

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