
12/31/2017 – NYE

Open Gym: 11-1pm

Tomorrow’s Schedule (New Years Day)
Open Gym: 9-1pm

Announcement: Nutrition Challenge Meeting is Saturday January 6th after the 10am class!

12/30/2017 – WOD

For Time
15 Power Snatches 135/95#
20 C2B Pull-ups  (RX+ = 25)
30 Thrusters 115/75#
35 Bar Facing Burpees
200 Double Unders
35 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Thrusters 115/75#
20 C2B Pull-ups  (RX+ = 25)
15 Power Snatches 135/95#

WOD Notes: TD = 18-23 min. PS should be a little heavier than the thrusters. The plates touching floor must weigh more than the empty bar. C2B Scale = chin over bar or ring rows. Thrusters should be done in 3-4 sets with minimal rest between. DU scale = 75-100 DU, 400 singles, or 4 min clock of max reps.

12/29/2017 – WOD

Back Squat – 7×3 (start @ 75% & build to a heavy set of 3)

Make-up/Skill Day!

a) DB Shoulder Press (both arms at same time) – 5×8 (heavy)
b) One Arm Farmers Carry (march in place) – 4×45 sec each arm (use 30% of DL)
–Use straps if you have them.
c) L-Sit/tuck (Pegboard) – 10×20 sec (rest 60 sec between)

12/28/2017 – WOD

Halting Snatch – 1 rep every 45 sec for 15 reps @ 75-85%
—Pull bar off the floor & pause just below the knee for a sec

18 Min AMRAP (relay style with a partner)
12 DB Snatches (6R + 6L) 80/50#
20/15 Cal Bike (12/8 assault)

WOD Notes: TD = 10-12 rd. Partner B will start when Partner A finishes the entire round. You must do all 6 reps (touch n go) in one arm before switching.

a) Glute Ham Raise (banded) Or GHD Hip Extension (weighted) – 4×12 (heavier band)
b) DB Bent-over Rows – 4×12 (each arm – pause at the top)
c) GHD Sit-ups – 4×12 (5 sec count down + 3 sec count up)

12/27/2017 – WOD

Clean (full) + Push Jerk + Split Jerk – 5 sets
—Start @ 80% of CnJ & work up to a heavy complex

5 Rounds For Time
5 Clean n Jerk @ 65%
10 GI Janes
—Rest 2 min when finished then…
100/80 Cal Ski For Time (with a partner switch every 10 cal)

WOD Notes: TD = 12-15 min. CnJ (no squat) should feel fairly heavy to where you have to do singles & focus on each lift. For the GI Janes, pick a PU bar that’s above your reach if you can do an unassisted PU. There is a 5 min cap for the ski erg!! Do 50/40 cal alone if you don’t have a partner for the ski erg.

a) Deadlift – Work up to 95%, then do 3×10 RDL @ 65%
b) Lateral/Front/Rear Delt Raises (use DB or small plate) – 3×12 each movement
c) Banded Tricep Extensions – 4×25 (heavier band than last wk)
d) Hollow Rocks – 5 sets: 1 min on / 1 min off

12/26/2017 – WOD

Back Squat – 6×4 (start @ 75% & build to a heavy set of 4)

For Time (Time Cap 20 min)
10 Wall Balls 20/14# To 10ft
10/7 Cal Row
20 Wall Balls
20/15 Cal Row
30 Wall Balls
30/22 Cal Row
40 Wall Balls
40/30 Cal Row
50 Wall Balls
50/40 Cal Row

WOD Notes: TD = 15-18 min. WB should feel light to where you can do sets of 15-20 even when fatigued! Scale the # of cals if you have a hard time pulling over 800 cals/hour.

12 Min EMOM
ODD = 6-8 Strict PU (c2b)
EVEN = 45 sec plank (weighted)

Today’s Hours
5:30am – Class
8am – Class
2-4pm – Open Gym
4pm – Class
5pm – Class
6pm – Class
7pm – Class

12/23/2017 – WOD

***Today’s Schedule: 8am open gym, 9am & 10am classes, 11-2pm Open Gym***

“Rage 12 Days of Christmas” – 2017 Version
1 Dball Over Shoulder 150/100#
2 Ring Muscle-ups or 2 GI Janes
3 Overhead Squats 115/75#
4 Power Snatches 115/75#
5 Thrusters 115/75#
6 Front Rack Lunges 115/75#
7 Hang Power Cleans 115/75#
8 Burpees
9 T2B
10 C2B Pull-ups
11 Cal Ski
12 DB Burpee Ground to OH 45/30#

WOD Notes: TD = 35-50 min. The 2017 Version should take less time (3-5 min less) than the 2016 Version. Barbell should feel very light to where you can move from one movement to the next pretty quickly!

12/22/2017 – WOD

Back Squat – 6×6 (start @ 70% & build to a heavy set of 6)

Make-up/Skill Day!

a) DB Shoulder Press (both arms at same time) – 5×12 (heavy)
b) One Arm Farmers Carry (march in place) – 4×25 sec each arm (use 37% of DL)
–Use straps if you have them.
c) L-Sit/tuck (Pegboard) – 10×20 sec (rest 60 sec between)

Saturday Schedule (12 Days of Christmas WOD)
8am: Open Gym
9am & 10am: Class
11-2pm: Open Gym

Sunday Schedule
Open Gym: 11-1pm